“I invented the manual. I’ll explain the appointments and the politics” –

Gaetano Mineo

«But what Cencelli manual, today it no longer exists, politics has changed but appointments have been and will always be a political issue». With his 88 years, the father of the “Cencelli manual” leaves no room for doubt on how key positions in public bodies and the various state-institutional constellations should be filled. Massimiliano Cencelli, a historic former leader of the Christian Democrats, tells us, in essence, how it was normal for politics to decide around a table who should fill the coveted seats such as «Rai, Eni…». In other words, what a crime, what illicit traffic of influence, for Cencelli. It is worth remembering that the so-called “Cencelli manual” represented a symbol of the divisive politics of the First Republic. Something also inherited by the Second Republic, but in a more “privatistic” than political way, we add. “Dear doctor, do you know that I have been reading the newspaper since I was 18?”, he tells us, entering forcefully during our interview. Which, obviously, pleases us. He also reminds us that his father was Pope Pius XII’s chauffeur (“but he read the Osservatorio Romano”), a sort of preamble to say that he is a Christian Democrat, “with a party card signed by Alcide De Gasperi” whose death was celebrated yesterday, exactly yesterday, seventy years ago.

Massimiliano Cencelli, how has politics changed since your time?
«I remember when in Rome, the Borgo section of the Christian Democrats was a lively place where politics was discussed. Even then, the discussions were animated and involved many topics, including those related to political appointments and influential figures.
It was a period in which political participation was very active and engaging, creating a strong sense of community. This environment was particularly formative for young people, who could approach politics and actively participate in discussions».

How did government or public body appointments take place then?
“In the past, appointments for key positions within Rai, for example, were closely tied to political decisions. I remember well when we talked about the appointments of general directors, it was clear to everyone that it was a political issue. The parties met, often informally, to decide who would fill certain roles. These meetings were moments of intense negotiation, where each party tried to obtain positions of power within public television, but also in other areas. I would like to point out…”

“This system, however questionable, guaranteed that every decision was somehow the result of a compromise between the various political parties. Today, however, it seems to me that the situation has changed, it is not entirely clear which direction these dynamics have taken. It is anything but the “Cencelli manual” whose meaning has now been lost. Politics has changed, with more fluid, personalized and less predictable dynamics. One thing is certain, when they once made appointments, we identified subjects with the attributes. Today I would not know.”

Do you want to remember a particular anecdote?
«I remember that in 2004, on the occasion of the monument dedicated to Alcide De Gasperi in Piazza delle Fornaci in Rome, the statesman’s daughter approached me and said: “Dad deserved more”. I told her everything, dear doctor».

#invented #manual #Ill #explain #appointments #politics #Tempo
2024-08-21 03:36:39



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