“I hit my head on a log”: Russians pray for the widow of Nikolai Karachentsov who ended up in the hospital

2023-05-10 20:10:42

Marianna Veselovskaya

2 hours ago

74-year-old Lyudmila Porgina, until recently, delighted fans with energy, which her eminent husband so admired at one time. Now the state of health of the actress is such that she is forced to wash her face with tears.

The widow of Nikolai Karachentsov has long established herself as an uncompromising truth-teller. After the death of her beloved man, the artist did not withdraw into herself, but continued to appear in public, criticize “misguided” colleagues, and in addition, shine as a guest expert on various TV shows.

Earlier, Express Gazeta wrote about the debriefing that Lyudmila Andreevna arranged, looking at Khabensky and Bogomolov. Both Konstantins fell under the hot hand of the actress, who to this day cannot forgive her husband Ksenia Sobchak for his old “sin”. The blonde could not deny herself the pleasure of quoting the words of her late husband, who characterized the work of Bogomolov with one very piquant phrase. “Smelly shit!” – this is how the star of the film “The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines” reacted to another masterpiece of the fashion director.

Who would have thought that after a loud statement, Porgina would soon end up in a hospital bed. As it turned out, the people’s artist spent the holidays not with her relatives, but in the clinic, where, against the background of loneliness, her condition worsened significantly. Lyudmila Andreevna had to celebrate Victory Day in a strange environment due to her own inattention. As it turned out, the accident happened to her at home. In such circumstances, the muse of the cult actor argues, she always remembers the advice given to her once.

“It would be better if you drank and smoked, and had less energy,” Karachentsov once said.

Fortunately, the enterprising artist, for whom the Russians continue to pray, is already preparing for discharge with might and main.

“On May 9, I cried and sang … I hit my head on a log. I didn’t notice him, leaned over in the boiler room, slipped and fell on my head, ”she complained in an interview with reporters.

Source: Blitz.plus

Photo source: Ekaterina Tsvetkova/Global Look Press

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