“I have never been so sick in my life” – Liberation


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While contamination continues to increase with 1,837 confirmed cases, men who have contracted the virus recount their ordeal in the face of symptoms and point out the dysfunctions in their care.

A few days ago, the World Health Organization launched its highest level of alert to fight the monkeypox epidemic. In France, while 1,837 confirmed cases, including 781 in Ile-de-France, were identified on Tuesday by Public Health France (SPF), the vaccination campaign is intensifying. Thomas, Julien and Léo, all three Parisians, contracted the virus a month ago. Now cured, these three homosexual people bear witness to the visible symptoms and the far from insignificant suffering that the disease can cause. “It was like a poisoned kiss”, slips Thomas, bitter. It is indeed by kissing another man at a party that this 26-year-old executive thinks he has been contaminated. If the virus can be transmitted by prolonged contact with the skin of the infected person, it can also be present in saliva, postilions or even on objects (bedding, clothes, dishes, bath linen).

“A week before, I told myself that I had to get vaccinated.remembers his side Leo. Being gay and having several partners, I am one of the most exposed audiences. According to data from SPF, 96% of contaminations today concern men having homosexual relations. Upon discovering lesions at the level…



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