“I hate my relationship with my father”: in his latest video, youtubeur Carlito confides in his relationship with Guy Carlier

The famous Youtubeur Carlito, of the duo “McFly and Carlito” spoke regarding his relationship with his father, the columnist Guy Carlier. A complicated relationship, which caused a lot of pain to the content creator during his childhood.

In their latest video, McFly and Carlito, a famous duo of French youtubers, honored the fathers of great content creators who shared many anecdotes regarding their children.

“Who’s Who’s Dad?”, a concept they’ve done before from a mom’s perspective, allowed us to learn a bit more regarding the complicated relationship between Carlito and his dad, Guy Carlier, a famous French columnist – first for FranceInter then for Europe 1.

Carlito, whose real name is Raphaël, gave a poignant account of the complicated relationship he has with his father. “Have you ever loved someoneone who does notnot like himself? VSis a place triss desagrIt isable. Ma place was that ofa young boy who grew up with someoneone not at all finished”explains the youtuber.

In question? Fame, but above all the disease that Guy Carlier suffered from when Carlito was younger, and which, according to his testimony, tainted their relationship: “When I was a kid, he weighed 250 kilos. It’s not even conceivable for the human brain. Morbid obesity is terrible, it marked me. I was afraid for him, at all times , his heart, his knees, everything might give in. And besides, his knees ended up giving in. […] I was a little angry with him for not reacting.

When I think regarding it,a a dû be horrible for him all that

The yortubeur recounts having lunch with his pisre for the firstis once more since priss of ten years. Moment when they were able to stalk regarding their relationship. Guy Carlier a accepté to participate in the new videothe of “McFly and Carlito”. A touching and funny productionthe, which accumulates nearly 4.5 million of views.

Carlito posted a long, long message on his Twitter account, alongside the video. “There is a gray area. An area whereu things are neither terrible nor gnials. […] I dhate this area more than i hate my relationship with my pisD. I hate that it took so long to figure it out, I hate that no one helped me earlier to analyze the situation, to put their finger on it. My FRisre and my misre relieved me a lot, it’s true, but it seems to me that they were advancing in the same greyness, or even more”he continues.

He was never violent, never got angry. He suffered from extreme bulimia, you know that, and other more intimate ailments that I won’t dwell on. When I think regarding it,a a dû be horrible for him all that. His childhood, his successiss, his sanity. But that’s his story. My empathy is limited to that level. It’s not lovelessness, it’s protection”

I wish my pisbe more present

RaphaëlCarlier, soon to be dad for the 3rd time, also underlines the lack of interest of his parent in his role as pisre with him: One footre, it’s psychological support, a unique investment, which has nothing to do with money (he had a lot of it) and the star system (the most hypocritical family there is)”.

“So, I accepted the money he gave me as a teenager and then I no longer wanted his tickets, he disgusted me with them. I wanted to mark a break. It was too easy to one part, and too superficial on the other. I write this now without hatred or reproach but with a little pain. […] I wish my pisre, who has great qualities, be more present, more sincereisre, simpler and above all what I would have loved concrete advice on… life”.

Pisre and son have since put things straight: “Now that we’ve talked for hours, I understand, I don’t apologize and I try to focus on the tenderness that is there, like water under the sand”, he concludes.

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