“I got a plane back to the ground”

The week of El Hormiguero has started in style with the visit of Lía Kali. The singer has visited the program for the first time to tell us about her successful career and her upcoming professional projects.

Pablo Motos wanted to ask the singer about a complicated experience he had on a flight that took him to one of the concerts on his tour. The singer has said that the plane was supposed to take her to Berlin, but she herself prevented it from taking off to her destination.

The panic of flying overcame Lía as soon as she took off and she had to shout out for them to stop the plane. “I didn’t know I had that power but they returned the plane”; she recalled the artist between laughs. Finally, the artist missed the car trip… but she arrived on time to her concert! Play the video and listen to the entire anecdote!

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