Gokul Suresh’s son and actor Gokul Suresh responded to a comment insulting Suresh Gopi on social media. His post included a photo of actor Suresh Gopi on one side and an edited face of a lion-walled monkey on the other, with the caption, ‘Can you spot two differences in this picture?’
Immediately Gokul Suresh came forward with the answer. There are two differences. Gokul Suresh replied, “Your uncle on the left and mine on the right.” It was celebrated in a grand manner. Suresh Gopi has reacted to this incident. The reaction was in a press conference related to the movie Pappan. He said that he felt proud of his son but felt sad for the commenter’s parents.
Everyone took it as a response. I felt proud of my son. But at the same time I remembered his father and mother. I never called Gokul in this regard. But when the day was over he heard it said. That’s when I felt, you are my son. Everyone is the wealth of the nation. Don’t grow by drinking other people’s blood – said Suresh Gopi.
RJ Directed by Joshi and scripted by Shaan, Pappan will release on July 29. Suresh Gopi is playing the role of CI Abraham Mathew. Other stars are Gokul Suresh, Naila Usha, Nita Pillai and Asha Sarath.