“I feel lonely when I go back to my house…”

A climber of the ridge of timeless theatrical time, a tireless pioneer of the Greek sound scene, is Nelli Gkini.

The important and always charming lady of the Greek theater is coming back to Patras after many years. The occasion is her participation in the delightful comedy “The Jealous Dog” by G. Roussos, which was staged under the direction of Giorgos Fratzeskakis yesterday Sunday (at 20:00) at the “Pantheon” theater.

Eleni Filini and Odysseas Stamoulis star alongside her. “Jealous” the charismatic Makis Patelis. Also starring: Petros Petrou, Stefania Filiadis, Athanasia Tsoumeleka, Maria Kokkinidou.

Nelli Gini spoke from her soul to “P”:

-Why would you recommend us to see this show in Patras?

Because you will laugh a lot, you will laugh effortlessly. Two beautiful, carefree hours, with a very good comedy. The world will be forgotten, it will be unforgettable! It is a classic comedy, performed in the cinema by the great Logothetides. A wonderful comedy, which emerges from the misunderstanding that characterized the old Greek comedies. I am very happy to be with this company of very good actors in this show.”

-What memories connect you with Patras?

I am very happy that I will come to Patras again, I have a long time to play in front of the theater-loving audience of this beautiful city. I remember that I used to come to Patras with performances, but for a few years my theatrical path had not happened to take me out. So now I am given the opportunity and that makes me especially happy!


-How would you describe Nelli Gini?

Like a man who loved his job very much. Although I don’t want to call the theater a job. I would call it a function. That’s how I feel, that I’m doing a function. And I thank God very much, this whole world that embraced me and still embraces me, but I also thank my good luck if you will.

-Do you feel obligated to the world?

Of course! That is why there is never a moment when I get tired of my contact with them. And when they come to my dressing room to see me, I’m patiently waiting to talk to all the viewers. But also wherever they meet me, even on the street. I stand to give them a hand and a hug!

-Despite your great popularity, have you ever felt alone?

The truth is that yes! In the hours when I return from the theater to my house, I feel lonely. I don’t know why, I haven’t explained it, I haven’t even gone to a psychologist to analyze it. But yes, I feel alone!

– So, the counterweight to your loneliness is the theater?

Trust me, that’s all! Because when I’m at home, I don’t feel well. I feel like I’m really missing something! But when I’m in the theater, I feel very happy!
And very comfortable and very creative!


-Did the moment ever come when you felt like you wanted to retire?

Yes, there really was such a moment 5 years ago. And this arose from a bitterness I got from some theater performance, which was supposed to be staged and in the end it wasn’t, for some reasons. The one that created so much bitterness, that I said “I quit!” But fortunately, this only lasted 1.5 months. I left Athens, with loud declarations, that I am hanging up my shoes in the theater and giving up. I went to Corfu, where I come from, and stayed there for just 1.5 months. That’s how much I endured! But this break was an opportunity, because I received two very interesting proposals and I really felt that I could not refuse. And I went back again, with… the tail on the legs!


-Do you feel satisfied artistically?

I feel very grateful and very fulfilled, that I have lived all this, for so many years. And I’m still living it, like it’s the first day!

-Did you feel that you “mortgaged” your personal life, for the sake of the theater?

Yes, I put my personal life aside! Fortunately I was privileged, in 1987, to make the decision and have my son, which is the most expensive and important thing I have done in my life! This was the exception, which beautified me and changed my life!

-Would you become an actor again?

Just an actor! I whispered to my father at the age of 7 that I want to be an actor! Since then I have been doing ballet, at the age of 12 I went to the children’s theater of Dionysis Chionis, alongside my school. At the age of 15, I participated in the “Talents”, I went to the Drama School of Kostis Michaelidis. And I was blessed then, to go on a tour of Australia and New Zealand with the Athens Drama Company, since this great teacher of mine thought I was ready for that. I acted as one of the leading dancers in “Iphigenia en Avlidis” and “Lysistrata”. You understand what an artistic baptism this was for me!

-Did the theater repay you for what you offered it?

Yes! And just receiving this love, this embrace of the world, is something incredible, that really words are not enough to describe it!

-Did you ever feel like you were treated like a “lemon mug” artistically?

No-no, I had no such feeling touching me in all this long journey. There were very few times I felt disappointed…


-Is the theater your second home?

I have lived so many years in the theater, that I can say that it is my home! Many hours I have lived on the board and in my dressing room. Much more than I have lived in my house!
And believe me, in the past I did TV and singing and theater at the same time, the hours I had to spare for myself, but even to sleep and rest…

– I don’t think you ever “cashed in” on your beauty for your career. Is that so?

No, I wasn’t interested in that! So much so that I “crumpled up” in the theater and in fact very early. The role of an engineer, I think, did not suit me. I never wanted him. So very quickly, I moved into checker roles and later checker-feature roles. I’ve never cared whether I’m beautiful or not. It’s nice to be complimented, but I’ve never really been into it.


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#feel #lonely #house..



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