“I don’t think I respect you” [βίντεο] – 2024-07-23 17:10:59

This time, a gesture caused George and Niki to break up. The player told the contestant that since he lied to her, her opinion of him has changed.

“You lied to me, when asked if you had seen any of the other girls, you said no,” he said. Along the way he interrupted her with Niki reacting by raising her hand to indicate to him that he should not interrupt her. George also reacted, telling her “I can’t do this to me, stop the gestures, what you’re doing is wrong. You think you know everything, I want you to calm down and get off the horse.”

Then the tension peaked with Niki raising the tone of her voice. “If I want to tell you, I will tell you, George,” he said.

The dialogue continued about the differences between them, in the same atmosphere as the player saying to Niki: “You earn respect”.

“Don’t talk to me again, when you learn to respect yourself come talk to me” replied Niki, leaving. “I don’t think I respect you” he replied.

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#dont #respect #βίντεο



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