“I don’t sleep well at night”, charred body found, 3 fires in one week… What is …

The essentials Intervening two days after a fire in a building in Langon (Gironde), firefighters discovered a charred body in the rubble on Monday. The building had already burned earlier in the week. Emergency services also had to intervene on another fire in the same street the same day, even as they were removing the body of the victim who had died in the flames. A situation that worries local residents and raises questions.

A charred body was discovered in the rubble of a fire on Monday August 26 in Langon (Gironde). According to our colleagues at South Westthis discovery comes two days after the disaster that destroyed a building located on rue de la Ronde on Saturday. An investigation into destruction by fire resulting in death has been opened.

The same building had already burned once the day before and the fire had been contained. This is also the third fire that has broken out on the same street in less than a week. A situation that raises questions. “I get worried at the slightest noise, I don’t sleep well at night,” confided a local resident who learned of the incident.

Still according to South Westthe building where the victim was found, located in an old neighborhood on the banks of the Garonne, is known to be uninhabited and regularly squatted. On Friday, August 23, a first fire broke out on the ground floor of the building. The next day, the building was almost entirely destroyed by a new fire.

Third building catches fire as firefighters arrive

Firefighters and investigators from the criminal identification unit had to wait for the temperatures in the rubble to cool and the pockets of carbon dioxide to evacuate before they could start searching for possible victims. On Monday morning, the dogs from the firefighters’ canine team quickly detected the presence of a body.

While emergency services and police were responding to the incident, a third fire broke out in the same street further down, in a cellar where firefighters had already intervened earlier this month.

The victim found in the rubble is believed to be a man of Romanian origin who used to take refuge in the building, although the state of the body does not currently allow him to be formally identified. Rue Ronde has been closed by the police.



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