“I don’t know where he got so much evil from”

One of the issues that emerges the most in Big Brother is the difficulties in coexistence. A new discussion in the house showed the differences that some participants have with Walter “Alfa”. In this case, the anger came from Julieta, Daniela and Romina.

Daniela and Julieta had a fight with “Alfa” that started when they found out they were hungry and that they were going to prepare food.

Situation that led to them eating secretly. Julieta then told him what happened to Romina.

«It is re attacked. He told us: ‘No, don’t eat’, and he went to the kitchen to see what we were doing ».

After listening to her, Romina also spoke ill of her partner, recounting an episode that was generated by a cry from outside where she was named.

«Ari told me that he did not hear that Romina yelled, he told me that Nacho heard it. It’s strange that Nacho has heard it. Alfa was taken away by what Nacho said… When they yelled regarding Camila, Alfa heard it, he hugged her and said ‘Cami, calm down’. Now, Nacho tells him this, because he didn’t even hear it and Alfa gets mad at me.”

Also, both remembered a moment when Walter had a fight with Romina at a nomination gala. “I don’t know where he got so much evil from. So much anger! I swear, I don’t understand why he did it,” Juliet said.

Camila will save one of the nominees in Big Brother

After yesterday’s nomination, there were five participants on the plate. Camila, being the leader of the week, will save one of them.

Walter, Ariel, Nacho, Marcos and Julieta are nominated. One of them will leave on Sunday.

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