I don’t have the blood of the Gabonese people on my hands (Bilie By Nze) –

In a press conference last Monday, the former Gabonese Prime Minister, Alain Claude Bilie By Nze proclaimed loud and clear that he does not have the blood of the Gabonese on his hands and regrets a false trial against his person by saying that he will never accept it even if he accepts his past in power.

« I don’t have the blood of the Gabonese on my hands “, dryly declared the former head of government. “ It has to be clear to everyone », added the last Prime Minister of Ali Bongo.

« I do not accept that people say that Bilie By Nze is one of those who killed Gabonese people. I don’t accept it “, he insisted.

Alain Claude Bilie By Nze is particularly overwhelmed by public opinion regarding the post-election violence of 2016.

On August 31, 2016, the Gabonese army attacked the headquarters of Ali Bongo’s challenger in this year’s presidential election. Several activists had gathered in this HQ to follow the election night.

As soon as Ali Bongo’s victory was announced, the army attacked the headquarters, causing deaths and injuries. The results of this attack remain controversial and in his capacity as spokesperson for the Presidency of the Republic at the time, Alain Claude Bilie By Nze is singled out as one of those responsible for what public opinion called a “massacre”.

In Monday’s press conference, Alain Claude Bilie By Nze defended himself at length: “ I said I wrote in black and white in Agu Mawu (his book, editor’s note) that the attack on Jean Ping‘s HQ was a mistake. I also said that this HQ was not bombed in the sense that they said. I hear people say: he denied it. I didn’t deny anything. When I was in France in the heat of the moment, I was told there were riots in Libreville. I called Libreville. State services told me as we speak there is a death in a store. That’s what I said on television. I came home and we took stock. I was told the figure rose to 8. 3 inside the country and 5 in Libreville and I said that “, he explained.

« Today there are people in government who have said there are mass graves. But where are the mass graves? They have been in power for a year, where the mass graves are. If they existed but show them. Since I spoke about it, no one has responded to me. They accused us. I say, you are there show the mass graves “, he demanded.

« The only answer is Bilie By Nze has no lessons to give. I say I can’t take the blame. I defend what we have done well. And I regret what was done wrong », he concluded on this issue, admitting to having been an excellent spokesperson.

Through his clear-cut positions, Alain Claude Bilie By Nze has become one of the voices of those dissatisfied with the management of the country by the military who came to power after the coup d’état of August 30, 2023. He also leads the movement ” Together for Gabon” which brings together political figures outside the existing system.

Carl Nsitou

2024-10-16 09:11:00
#dont #blood #Gabonese #people #hands #Bilie #Nze



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