“I don’t give a shit…”: Junior Playboy attacked Raquel Argandoña and Nano Calderón without a filter after a heated discussion

Last Friday, the entire Farandulandia was revolutionized after the tense round that Junior Playboy and Raquel Argandoña staged through social networksin which his son Nano Calderón also put the spoon.

Everything arose after the communicator launched an unfiltered criticism against the former reality boy in the Star Zone, where he pointed to his “seer” facet.

“He is not ashamed,” said the “Quintrala” on that occasion. “He says that so we can talk about him, he can’t be sane.”

As expected, Junior was not cool and responded with everything through a video that he shared on his social networks, where he pointed at Nano Calderón in passing.

“You must be careful what you say. If you come to criticize me, that I am not in my right mind, that something is not right, that it is not normal. I want to tell you that instead of worrying about me and my things, worry about your little son, because I don’t see the thing healthy there, ”she attacked without mincing words.

“It surprises me that a lady her age talks about a boy who could be her son. You have to know how to measure her vocabulary and don’t worry about me, just worry about her son. Take away all the things, the cardboard cutters that are out there, because the one who really needs help is her son Nano Calderón ”.

Immediately afterwards, the influencer lost patience and went out to defend his mother. “If you have something to tell me, I invite you to become a man and say it to my face instead of talking badly to a mother about his son. You are very old to have never achieved anything, keep giving laughter, that the role of clown is the only thing you are going to achieve in life, “she said. And about it, Playboy replied: “You must be in jail, you are a danger, I am serious. I notice a wide mental imbalance in his actions, the cards speak ”.

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Junior Playboy revived the controversy

However, the controversy did not stop there. Now, the same Junior again got into trouble and shot with everything against Raquel and Nano.

“I am also launching an SME: The Calderones washing machine. The only one that washes everything for you (…) they only have to carry the Omo (detergent) no more because it is a ‘punched-up’ washing machine. And if she has gum stuck to your clothes, she removes it with the blade. What if it doesn’t work? Kick her no more, kicking works, “she said through a new record that she shared on Instagram.

And about it, he warned: “That is to make it clear that you do not play with Junior. I’m not afraid of lawyers, or threats, or a name, or a surname. I don’t give a damn… because everyone shits… stinky like me”.

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