I do not recognize a politician convicted by 13-0 as an opposition representative and I will neither converse nor flirt with him

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“I want to be clear. I do not recognize as a representative of the official opposition a person convicted in the special court by 13-0. I will neither converse with him, nor flirt with him. Also, he is transitory, no one knows who he represents. When the official opposition party finds momentum and a leader, I will be there. Don’t be surprised if I leave in the deuteronomy as well.

And this constitutes parliamentarism. I am protecting the state with this attitude. We are dealing with a transitional opposition leader and no one knows on whose behalf he is speaking. Mr. Kasselakis, Mr. Famellos, Mr. Gletsos. When SYRIZA finds a leader and pace, I will be here to make a proper and institutional confrontation. So don’t be surprised if I leave your deputation as well because this will be my position until you elect a leader.”

Nikos Pappas, at the beginning of his rebuttal, visibly embarrassed, answered the prime minister as follows: “Mr. President, I want to sincerely thank you because you have maintained parliamentary order even at times when I criticized you publicly. This is not the measure for all of us. We expected and knew that the decision of the special court that Mr. Mitsotakis would instrumentalize it, we did not expect this institutional misstep. I’m not commenting on Harientism because it wasn’t addressed to me. He himself has a history of meddling in the internal affairs of other parties. Now he wants to choose who will play the role of official opposition. He has no right to behave like a spoiled child. Everything he says is beyond his authority. It turns out that he is disrespectful to the regulation, a coward because he is not in the room to face us and guilty.”

What came before

Earlier, the Prime Minister sent a clear message in all directions when he finished his introduction to the Parliament on the fire fighting period and did not stay in the room for the speech of Nikos Pappas, until when Nikos Androulakis took the stage.

With this move, Kyriakos Mitsotakis showed that he considers PASOK as the main opposition force and, secondly, that he will not negotiate with the head of SYRIZA’s KO, Nikos Pappas.

At the same time, the Prime Minister considers that SYRIZA remains only formally official opposition after what is happening in the internal parties of Koumoundourou and is not the main parliamentary interlocutor and opponent of the government.

Finally, this particular move comes shortly after the announcement by the Government Spokesperson, Pavlos Marinakis to Nikos Androulakis about PASOK’s stance on the ASEP bill. Mr. Marinakis spoke of a negative attitude, without reason, and concluded his announcement with the following words: “this first example of the renewed term of Mr. Androulakis in the presidency of PASOK should not be a harbinger of a second term, the title of which will be “in the same work spectators””.

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#recognize #politician #convicted #opposition #representative #converse #flirt
The JavaScript code ‌snippet you've shared is a configuration script for Google Publisher Tags (GPT) ⁤used in online advertising. This script is written to define various ad slots, target advertising, and manage the display of ads based on different⁢ website parameters. Below is⁢ a breakdown of key components of the⁢ code:

Key Components Breakdown:

  1. Defining Ad Slots:

- ‌The script uses googletag.defineSlot() to create various ad‍ placements. Each placement is associated with a unique identifier and a set of ad sizes.

‌ - Example:


googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/eleftherostypos.gr/inreadvideo', [[310,180],[560,320],[1,1],[300,250]], 'inreadvideo')

  1. Size​ Mapping:

​ ⁣ - defineSizeMapping() is called to⁢ specify⁤ which sizes to display based on the ​viewport size and device type (like mobile or desktop).

-⁣ These mappings⁣ help in serving the correct ad size depending on the user's screen.

  1. Targeting:

⁢ - The script sets targeting parameters with ​ setTargeting() to refine the audience for⁢ advertisements.

- E.g., targeting specific categories or page types:


googletag.pubads().setTargeting('category', 'politiki');

  1. Bootstrap and Ad Loading:

​ - collapseEmptyDivs() will hide any ad⁤ slots that don't ⁣have ads to display, while enableSingleRequest() optimizes the request for ads.

⁢ - googletag.enableServices() activates the ad service.

  1. Display Ads:

⁤ - The displaySlot() function, presumably defined elsewhere, is called to render the ads on the page.

- Slots are conditionally displayed based on whether the user‍ is on a mobile device or desktop.

  1. Adsense Customization:

- ​The part of the script that deals ⁣with Google AdSense ‍removes desktop ads on ‌mobile devices and ‌vice versa, ‍ensuring users see the correct ad versions.

  1. Asynchronous Script Loading:

- asyncLoadScript() is called to load additional asynchronous scripts, ​possibly for other ad services or analytics tracking.

  1. Other Integrations:

- The ⁢script ‍includes integrations with OneSignal (for push notifications), Disqus (for⁣ comments), ​and potentially Taboola and other ad networks with placeholders for loading⁣ their respective scripts.

  1. Commented Sections:

- Some‌ sections are commented ⁢out, ⁣indicating that they might be temporarily disabled or that further configuration is needed.

Usage Context:

This kind of script is⁤ typically used on news or content websites to control ad placements dynamically. It ensures that ads are relevant​ to the audience while optimizing their display based on device and screen size.

Further Considerations:

  • Ensure all external scripts are loaded correctly.
  • Test on both desktop and mobile devices to ​guarantee proper ad display.
  • Regularly check targeting parameters⁤ to align ⁤with audience interests and website content.


This GPT configuration script is a comprehensive approach to ad management, showcasing a balance between user experience and advertisement visibility. ‍Proper implementation can​ drive engagement and revenue through optimized ad delivery.

The code snippet you've shared appears to be a mixture of JavaScript configurations and setup for various advertising and analytics services integrated into a website. Below is a breakdown of the key components and functionalities that can be inferred from the code:

Key Components Breakdown:

  1. Ad Service Integration:

- The code initializes several advertising services, including Phaistos Adman, Taboola/Project Agora, and Google AdSense. These allow for the display of ads based on different criteria and target audiences.

  1. OneSignal Integration:

- It uses OneSignal for push notifications, configuring it with an appId. This enables sending messages and alerts to users.

  1. Disqus Configuration:

- The Disqus setup is for comments. The disqus_config function sets up the page URL and identifier, which are crucial for linking comments with specific content.

  1. Asynchronous Script Loading:

- asyncLoadScript() is a custom function (not provided in the snippet) that loads additional scripts asynchronously. This helps improve page load performance by not blocking the rendering of the page while scripts are being downloaded.

  1. Additional Services:

- Includes Google AdSense, Facebook Pixel, Microsoft Clarity, and Yandex Metrica, which are used for advertising, tracking user interactions, and analyzing user behavior.

  1. Dynamic Handling of Ad Slots:

- The script manages the definition of ad slots, setting their visibility and loading based on screen size and device type. Conditional loading improves user experience by delivering the right ads at the right time.

  1. Timeouts for Loading:

- setTimeout() is frequently used to delay the loading of certain scripts or functionalities. This staggered approach can help ensure that ads and tracking scripts don’t interfere with the page’s initial loading phase.

  1. Error Handling:

- The script attempts to handle cases where certain elements (like scripts) might not be loaded correctly or are missing by using checks and fallbacks.

  1. Targeting Audience:

- Advertising targeting is done through setTargeting(), allowing the ads to be relevant to specific demographics or user interests based on the content or category being viewed.

  1. Comments on Blocked Sections:

- There are several commented-out sections of code that hint at additional functionalities that may have been considered for integration but are not active in this snippet (e.g., CleverCore, Vidoomy).


The overarching purpose of this JavaScript code snippet is to manage advertising and tracking scripts efficiently, ensuring that ads are served dynamically based on user context while also integrating various analytics and tracking features to enhance user engagement and revenue generation for the website. Each component is crucial for generating relevant advertisements and collecting user interaction data, in turn informing future advertising strategies.

If you need any specific part of this code explained further or have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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