“I didn’t know”: MK Distel apologized after writing “Your hands are redeemed with blood” to a member of “Brothers in Arms” whose grandmother was murdered in the massacre

She retracted her harsh statement: hours following MP Galit Distal Atabrian wrote “Your hands are redeemed in blood” to Omari Ronan, one of the leaders of “Brothers in Arms” whose grandmother was murdered on October 7, she expressed an apology.

“Let’s not flaunt each one of what he did, he went to the reserves. Even people who are not brothers in arms are going to the reserves. All the people of Israel are doing reserves, everything is fine,” Network 2 said here. According to her, “As for his grandmother, I didn’t know (that she was murdered – MI). Of course I wouldn’t have written to him ‘your hands are covered in blood’ and as soon as he wrote that, I immediately expressed sorrow.”

Along with the apology, MK Distal continued to attack “Arms Brothers” in a tweet she published. “The organization ‘Arms Brothers’ is the most destructive and dangerous wild growth that has grown here. Crumbling us from the inside and endangering us from the outside. Let them take responsibility and ask for forgiveness from the people of Israel. We are forgiving. We will forgive,” she wrote.

In the original tweet (which was not deleted even following the apology), Distel wrote to Ronan: “The people of Israel will hate you forever. Your children will be ashamed to say out loud that their father was a member of the organization that led to the massacre. I would write you to wash your mouth with soap, but it’s better to start with your hands – they are redeemed in the blood”. Distel’s words were preceded by the words of Ronan, who, among other things, wrote: “Go home, your story is over.”

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