“I can’t bring the child with my surname”. The son-in-law who came to the house for 7 years couldn’t eat at the table and never exceeded 30 yuan | International | CTWANT

The son-in-law who came to the house for 7 years couldn’t eat at the table. (Picture / Retrieved from Weibo)

A man surnamed Zeng in Bijie City, Guizhou Province, mainland China recently released a video, telling his experience of being a door-to-door son-in-law for seven years, and the video attracted attention. Zeng Nan mentioned in the video, “I have been a son-in-law for 7 years, and I have been guarded by my mother-in-law and my father-in-law everywhere at home, and I have never had more than 30 yuan on him.” Speaking of his sadness, he kept wiping his tears with a tissue, saying that his wife had It is a mother’s treasure, which makes the marriage of two people in a dilemma. When I have money, I must move out.

“Nine Pai News” reported that Zeng Nan revealed that he is 33 years old this year, married for 7 years, and has a child of 3 and a half years old. Recently, his wife quarreled with him and left without looking back. The child cried every day, and he was about to collapse.” What hope is there for a day like this?” Currently, he has moved out with his children to live on his own.

Zeng Nan said that the couple were introduced by acquaintances, and they fell in love at first sight when they first met, “We got married because of love. At that time, I liked her so much that I was willing to do anything. Besides, there are many brothers and sisters in my family. There is an older sister, a younger sister, and a younger brother. My wife has 6 sisters in the family, but she has no son. She is more dependent on her parents and wanted me to be her son-in-law, so I agreed.”

Zeng Nan sighed that he had no money, but life always had to return to firewood, rice, oil and salt, and slowly his relationship deteriorated, “I have been taking the child with me since birth, and I don’t have my surname. I usually have to do laundry and cook, but I can’t eat it. When I go to the table, I can only eat some leftover soup and leftovers, and my wife’s parents have different living habits and ideas. We are short of water here. Once I boiled water, I put more water, and they may Dislike.”

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The report pointed out that Zeng Nan opened a barber shop to make a living, and his wife did not have a job. “Every day, he played outside and played mahjong. I said that the two of us would go to work together or do some small business, but she was not willing. She often halfway I don’t go home for a month, I’m used to it by myself, and sometimes she comes back suddenly, and I still feel uncomfortable.” Zeng Nan emphasized that he did not plan to divorce, and he would never give up no matter how difficult it was, he just hoped that his wife would change her mind.

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