“I call on my voters to vote for Marine Le Pen”, declares Eric Zemmour

Jean-Luc Mélenchon: “We must not give a single voice to Mrs. Le Pen”

The candidate of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who collected 20.3% of the vote, according to the latest estimates, took the floor. “A new page of combat opens. You will approach it, we will approach it with pride in the work done”begins by declaring Jean-Luc Mélenchon, describing the situation as“State of political emergency”. He pursues :

“The picture before you is as it was intended, not by us, but by the institutions of the Ve Republic. I know your anger, don’t let it lead you to commit irreparable mistakes. As long as life goes on, the fight goes on, and it is my duty to tell you, as the oldest, that the only task we have to give ourselves is the one accomplished by the myth of Sisyphus: the stone fell to the bottom of the ravine, so we’re going up! »

“We must not give a voice to M.me Le Pen »he then urges several times, announcing that his 300,000 supporters would be solicited during a ballot to decide on the voting instructions for the People’s Union movement (abstention or vote for Emmanuel Macron, as in 2017 ). “So, of course, the youngest will tell me there, we haven’t arrived there yet. It’s not far, huh! Do better, thank you”he concludes, in what seems to be a passing of the baton – Mr. Mélenchon had announced that this was his last candidacy for the presidential election.



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