I bought the cross bike I’ve always wanted! My physical strength hasn’t caught up with me yet (lol)[岩上隼也ブログ]

2024-02-03 12:00:00

Hello! This is Shunya Iwakami.

This will be the first blog of 2024!

I have entered my 7th year as a men’s non-no model. LOL I’m a senior so I’m going to keep my guard up and do my best.

We look forward to working with Men’s Nonno once more this year!

And recently, I got what I wanted!

I’ve wanted one since last year when I started living alone, but I just mightn’t find the right time.

I finally got such a bicycle this year! ! This is a cross bike from the Cannondale brand.

Isn’t it so cool! ? I really like the design and it’s comfortable to drive, so I like it very much!

It was my first time riding a sports type bicycle like this, and I was surprised at how high the saddle was! LOL I haven’t had the chance to cycle around the city center, so I’m enjoying it as a fresh experience. However, there are more elevation differences on the road than I expected, so my body, which hasn’t ridden a bike in a while, still hasn’t caught up. lol It’s good exercise, so I’d like to ride it a lot from now on. Safety first! !

Everyone, please be careful and put safety first when riding a bicycle or other vehicle!

This time it’s like this! Well then!

Hayaya Iwakami

Hayaya Iwakami

men’s nonno model

Since 2017, she has been an exclusive model for Men’s Nonno. She has many hobbies, including fashion, beauty, motorcycles, cats, manga, saunas… Because she is serious, she tends to talk passionately.

#bought #cross #bike #Ive #wanted #physical #strength #hasnt #caught #lol岩上隼也ブログ



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