“I am living in a situation of serious discomfort”

GALATINA – He explained that he did not act in full possession of his faculties, but in the grip of a situation of discomfort that has gripped him for some time. Stefano Minafra, the 56-year-old from Galatina, has assumed full responsibility for the attack that occurred three days ago on a doctor and nurses of the Serd, the service for pathological addictions, at the Santa Caterina Novella (here, all the details).

Following the interrogation, which took place at the same time as the start of the summary trial, the arrest was validated, but the judge, on the basis of the evidence acquired, considered the obligation to report to the judicial police to be the most appropriate precautionary measure.

After the episode, in which the doctor and a security guard were said to have been the ones who got the worst of it, the man was placed under house arrest, but during questioning the Prosecutor’s Office upped the ante, requesting prison.

Defense attorney Carlo Viva obtained a postponement of the trial so as to have time to evaluate any requests for an alternative procedure. The court will return on April 23.

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