“I am in mortal danger” –

Another name change. This is what Felice Maniero is asking for, the now almost 70-year-old who was the head of the largest (over 400 men) and most ferocious gang that has ever existed in Northern Italy. “By now everyone knows the name Luca Mori. I might as well go back to the original, that is, Felice Maniero…”: with these words the former boss of the Brenta mala protests. “I have been waiting for a response from the Prefecture of Venice for over a year for the name change”, he says. “Made necessary by the need to not be easily traced given that to this day he is the target of his exes, who were planning his elimination, as also discovered by the recent investigation into Tronchetto”, explains his lawyer, Rolando Iorio. These statements are reported by Il Gazzettino.

Felice Maniero says he has sent more than one request, both to the Prefecture of Venice (Name and Surname Change Office Area) and to the Ministry of the Interior itself. Requests, for now, have fallen on deaf ears. “They don’t even answer us. I understand the thousand duties, I understand everything, but that my life is in danger has also been confirmed in Court, I think, right? And then it’s certainly no secret to anyone that there has always been more than one person around willing to get their hands on explosives to settle scores with me, right? It’s just that until some time ago they were all still in prison, but now they’re all out”, he says. The former boss has been free since June 1 of last year, after serving 4 years in prison for beating his last partner, Marta Bisello, who reported him and had him convicted. “But I’m gathering evidence upon evidence regarding that trial. You’ll see that there will be some good news”, he promises. Since he began to speak out, making it possible for the judiciary to dismantle his gang, Maniero knows he must take into account possible revenge.

Returning to the name change, Maniero presented the first request to the Prefecture of Venice on April 25, 2023. “The undersigned Mori Luca, born in Campolongo Maggiore on September 2, 1954, currently serving a sentence in the Pescara prison, requests a change of his name and surname. It should be noted that the undersigned is in reality Felice Maniero, former head of the Mala del Brenta, a collaborator of justice, thanks to whose statements made to numerous Public Prosecutors’ Offices and first and foremost that of Venice, numerous people were arrested, all sentenced to very severe sentences. The Mala del Brenta itself became extinct following the aforementioned revelations of the undersigned. In order to safeguard his personal safety, seriously put at risk by the threats and plans for revenge of his former affiliates, the exponent was given a new identity and was given the new name and surname of Luca Mori”, it reads. The identity behind the name of Luca Mori was publicly revealed to Report. “We made the last request in March of this year”, says the former boss.

#mortal #danger #Tempo
2024-08-05 01:36:04



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