“I am here in the role of an information dealer” (Cédric Villani)

2023-11-13 10:37:00

French mathematician and politician Cédric Villani, specialist in mathematical analysis, was in Montpellier on November 10, 11 and 12 for the official launch of the Citizens’ Convention on Artificial Intelligence (AI). A first citizens’ convention for the Metropolis, and a first citizens’ convention on AI in France.

Made up of 40 residents of the Metropolis (selected on representative criteria (age, CSP, gender, municipality of residence, etc.) and accompanied by AI experts, including Cédric Villani, the Citizens’ Convention will meet over three weekends. ends with the mission of answering a question: “What artificial intelligence serves residents and the territory?” in order to power, in fine, the development by the Metropolis of its AI and data strategy.

“Our approach to artificial intelligence is unique in France, it is shared with citizens on a completely new agreement, underlined Michaël Delafosse, mayor (PS) of Montpellier and president of the Metropolis. Artificial intelligence is already taking a central place in our daily lives and raising many societal questions. The Montpellier method is that of “doing together”, a dynamic of sharing between research stakeholders, businesses and local authorities. Thanks to these strong forces, our territory is a stronghold of Artificial Intelligence in France. »

In Montpellier, general mobilization for the “IA Cluster” label

Transparency, governance, control

If artificial intelligence is already used in many other sectors, for example to predict droughts or crowds in public transport, its potential uses have yet to be invented and arouse as much interest and enthusiasm as concern regarding possible abuses.

“Rather than knowing whether we are for or once morest AI, the Citizens’ Convention will question what subject should be addressed by AI, what uses of AI are desirable or not in the public policies, what impact we will seek, what conditions to create citizen confidence in the use of AI, that is to say what transparency, what governance, what control by citizens?, underlines Manu Reynaud, deputy mayor of Montpellier, delegate to the Digital City. The Metropolis wants to put Montpellier on the AI ​​map and political speech is important to demystify and reframe. »

The author of the report on artificial intelligence in March 2018, commissioned by Emmanuel Macron, recommended developing a data-driven economic policy and developing public research in strategic sectors such as health, transport, defense and the environment. It is on the strength of the 420 hearings of experts from different fields followed for this mission that Cédric Villani comes to bring his expert perspective and support the citizen process on AI in Montpellier.

The 40 members of the citizens’ convention on AI were welcomed on November 10, for the opening of their work, by the mathematician alongside Michaël Delafosse, Manu Reynaud and Séverine Saint-Martin, deputy mayor and delegate for democratic renewal and social innovation.

“I am the antenna that captures the debates on AI”

Cédric Villani recalls that “ the Court of Auditors had assessed the impact of the government’s strategy on AI and concluded that the implementation had not allowed France to climb into the leading pack but prevented it from being downgraded. The Montpellier Metropolis seems, for its part, determined to take up the subject to succeed in its AI transition, displaying the ambition to use an AI “ ethical, sovereign and responsible ».

“With the mission on AI entrusted to me by the government to prefigure the national artificial intelligence strategy, and with the high visibility of AI subjects today, I am the antenna which captures the debates on AI, declares the winner of the prestigious Fields Medal (in 2010), a few moments before going to the opening of the Citizens’ Convention. I had a lot of requests but this one is particularly interesting and unique because it combines political decision-making, citizen participation with artificial intelligence. In this way, it is a highly anticipated experience… Artificial intelligence is certainly a complex and interdisciplinary subject, but its technical and scientific problems are in the minority and often much easier to resolve than the problems that arise at the political level, in the human and social sciences, in changes in the balance of power of society that this may involve. This experience is interesting in that it comes with few preconceptions, so there is a side of experimentation. It takes place at an interesting local level compared to all the major debates which have taken place at the national or European level. Furthermore, AI is a subject that is always addressed through sharing of experience and interdisciplinary skills, and the relationship between experts and citizens will be decisive. Finally, on AI, there are always questions of sovereignty that arise – in relation to the prerogatives of this or that institution, the way to keep control of its destiny – and include it in an operation carried out by the perimeter metropolitan area is very interesting because it allows for citizen reflection. On a political level, it is an initiative that concerns those responsible for digital strategy but also all elected officials in the executive branch. Thanks to the work of this citizens’ convention, the Metropolis will be better prepared to face the future. »

And to specify: “No technology is completely ethical, sovereign and responsible. It’s up to us to place the cursor.”

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“The committee will not hold the pen to citizens”

The mathematician, whose address book constitutes a major asset, is committed to being available and “ viewable at will “, even from a distance, “not so much to give my opinion but also to provide contacts of people to be interviewed, works or references to help them form an opinion, in the role of information dealer”.

“I will present to the members of the citizens’ convention the conditions which contributed to the success of the report on AI and the few mistakes I made to prevent them from making them, he adds. Important advice: resolutely work in an interdisciplinary mode. If the report we produced in 2018 was shocking, it is thanks to the varied skills of the committee. The quality of contact between citizens and experts is crucial. Whenever possible, favor contradictory hearings rather than hearing people one following the other. But the committee of experts is there as advice and guarantor but will in no way hold the pen to the citizens! The convention must be sovereign. »

Debunking and acceptability

After a first session dedicated to training on AI issues, the members of the citizens’ convention on AI will meet at the beginning of December for a weekend of hearings from experts and witnesses specializing in themes such as ecological transition, health, mobility and even social justice. They will work in this way until the end of January 2024, when they will present a series of proposals to elected officials.

The metropolitan strategy on AI and data will, for its part, be submitted to the votes of metropolitan elected officials during a Metropolitan Council in spring 2024. And Manu Reynaud promises: “ The work of this agreement will be presented to the Metropolis council at the same time as the Metropolis’ AI strategy will be presented, which will allow us to see that we have properly integrated their proposals.

The approach, unprecedented on the subject, might be scrutinized by other territories and other elected officials.

“So yes, we are clearing the land, the fruit of the work of the citizens’ convention on AI in Montpellier is intended to go beyond the Montpellier perimeter, says Manu Reynaud. We will be watched. These may be red lines or alert points that will be noted. It contributes to a public debate. We demystify and highlight questions of acceptability, particularly in public policies. »

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#role #information #dealer #Cédric #Villani



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