I am glad that Stefanos Kasselakis has decided to submit his candidacy signatures

I am glad that Stefanos Kasselakis has decided to submit his candidacy signatures

“I am glad that Stefanos Kasselakis decided, despite the suggestions he had received from various people, to submit his candidacy signatures and why. So I think that we will all move forward together in an organized way towards the conference, which was postponed for a week for technical reasons, without changing the date of the presidential election”, Pavlos Polakis said, among other things, in statements he made on the sidelines of the SYRIZA Central Committee meeting.

The candidate for the presidency of the party said that “through a process of programmatic dialogue and confrontation of vision, specific plan and proposals through debate, we must proceed with an effort to reconstruct and regenerate SYRIZA”. He commented that in this context, “in order to escape the pettiness and malice of the ‘coup-makers’, the proceduralists, the ‘hood-wearers’ and those who do not agree”, I submitted with my speech at today’s meeting 3-4 “visionary” proposals .

“I think that in the very difficult and geopolitical times we live in a Europe in which Germany and France are not just gasping for breath, but showing a reduction in growth, in a Europe where Draghi says that to maintain growth we need 800 billion euros new money for this year, next year and next year, i.e. the issuance of a European bond -something Germany denies-, in such a Europe we need to question the memorizing course of austerity imposed by Schäuble throughout the previous decade” he said.

“Let’s talk”, he continued, “about a Europe of development, let’s talk not just about equality of opportunity between people but about equality in the enjoyment of the goods produced by society, science and technology of our time”. “So for there to be an equality in the enjoyment of goods by the social majority, that’s why we need a central planning and a re-socialization by the state of the basic means and resources that allow this equal dismissal of goods,” he said. Because, he argued, “without a public bank, without energy in the hands of the State, without control of the fuel and transport market, then neither housing, nor heating, nor water, nor decently paid work can be property of the people”. He said that “this is the deeper content of a visionary proposal of SYRIZA to the new generation that will be the trigger for a subsequent bid for a government term that will change things in this country, which some imagine and plan to make the Colombia of the Balkans ».

Asked to comment on “the voices that spoke about methods” on the occasion of the postponement of the conference, Mr. Polakis commented that “these are petty misfortunes and that anyone who cannot articulate a specific vision, a specific proposal or a specific line on what should be done today , she goes and sits like a slobbering woman, that is, the one who always gossips and gossips and says: ‘they did this to me, they did that to me’…

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#glad #Stefanos #Kasselakis #decided #submit #candidacy #signatures



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