The resounding success of “A Distant (Dark) Source” and the live rendition that went with it was a wonderful, well-deserved cause for Hypno5e – a band that continued to grow over the course of their career, dared to do more musically and are now getting the laurels they deserve. The successor takes the source record one step further and, according to the band, can even run in a continuous loop. And yet dare „Sheol“ something more, even breaking new ground.
A completely new rhythm department was of course partly responsible for this change, and the French deliberately chose warmer and brighter textures, which increasingly venture into prog areas – classic and modern. And it works brilliantly: the two-part title song opens brilliantly. While the first section is used preliminarily, like an intro of sorts, “Sheol, Pt. II – Lands Of Haze” the mighty breakwater that brings old and new together. The mini-chaos with post-metallic to deadly undertones that Hypno5e is familiar with does not give way, but is packed into a fresh environment. Imposing thunder, complex neo-prog fanfares and extreme barrages alternate. Especially the very long, butter-soft middle part, from which a spiritual anti-fanfare emerges, brings a breath of fresh air into the action, and with tangible success.
Another two-parter awaits at the other end of the album. After another intro of its own, “Slow Streams Of Darkness, Pt. II – Solar Mist”, how Hypno5e have developed in recent years. Classically prog, surprisingly fragile idyll strives for complete reduction with subtle 70s vibes, always goes back to the newer school, and yet remains true to the harmony. Only towards the end does the sky darken for biting anger. The extremely long, changeable “The Dreamer And The Dream” brings the Djent guitars, which are prominently represented on this album, into the limelight, peels off several times and is immediately gentle. “Tauca, Pt. I – Another”, the prequel of a track from “A Distant (Dark) Source”, stays meek, at the same time brash, even throughout the entire playing time.
If you dare, you win double and triple in this case. In fact, Hypno5e strives to be more accessible without compromising. Yes, “Sheol” takes some of the heaviness away without appearing even remotely cautious. The warm, catchy Prog textures suit the sound of the French wonderfully, only to unpack the steam hammer at the right moment. At the same time, the songwriting continues to develop, is even more clever, even more delicate. For Hypno5e, it’s the second massive effort in a row that puts them at the forefront of the sophisticated, complex-avant-garde metal scene.
Rating: 9/10
Available from: 02/24/2023
Available through: Pelagic Records (Cargo Records)
Slider-Pic (c) Hypno5e
Tags: djent, extreme metal, featured, full-image, hypno5e, post metal, progressive metal, review, sheol
Category: Magazin, Reviews