Hypmai popular voice actor Yusuke Shirai was married!The other party is Harada Mariru, a former idol “Kazeojuku” writer, “I have children” | Smart FLASH / Sumafla[光文社週刊誌]

Shirai is an enthusiastic fan of Liverpool FC.He wore Liverpool FC clothes from head to toe almost every day

“Thank you very much.”

In early September, “Papa” left his son at a nursery school in Tokyo and returned to a nearby luxury high-rise apartment. About two hours later, she began a Ginza date with a “beautiful wife” who wore white skinny jeans.

The two enjoy window shopping, cross their arms and smile at each other without worrying regarding being seen by others. That figure is exactly the ideal couple.

However, seeing this scene, there must be many female fans who faint.Because this “daddy” is superpopularvoice actorYusuke Shirai (36).

“In 2019, I was in charge of the role of a super popular man named “Amemura Ramuda” in the character rap project “Hypnosis Mic” (commonly known as Hypmai) by male voice actors, and won the singing award at the 13th Seiyuu Awards. In an instant, he became popular and won many female fans with his sweet voice and high acting ability.” (Subculture magazine writer)

However, Shirai has never made the existence of his wife and children public.

“His wife is also a ‘celebrity’, so the timing of the announcement was difficult. Only a very limited number of people knew regarding his wife and one child.” (Voice actor industry insider)

His wife’s name is Mariru Harada (37).former idolIt is a unique career as a writer.

“Taking advantage of my height, Miho Yoshioka andNanaowon the “Race Queen of the Year” award in 2005. In 2009, he joined the men’s idol unit “Kazeojuku” under the name “Renji Nagarehara” and made his CD debut. Since he left in 2013, he has been working as a writer. He has a wide circle of friends with voice actors, where he seems to have met Mr. Shirai.In 2020 on his own SNSmarriageannounced that she was pregnant, but the other party was not disclosed.” (entertainment reporter)

A young male voice actor understands Shirai’s feelings regarding hiding his marriage.

“Originally, in the voice acting world, where people tended to be behind the scenes rather than talent, there was not much of a custom to report their love and marriage to fans. However, in recent years, there have been more opportunities to stand on the front stage, and voice actors have become idols. For some fans, the character and the voice actor who voices them are one and the same.Dating and marriage may affect the image of the character, and the fans may leave. I don’t know. I think Mr. Shirai also had that kind of conflict.”

Two days following this magazine witnessed the Ginza date, when I asked Shirai, who sent my son to the nursery school once more, regarding the situation, he responded politely with a “sweet voice”.

ーーDo you have children?

“……is that so”

ーーWhy didn’t you publish it?

“As for me, I was worried regarding my child, so I was hesitant to announce it following I calmed down, and I was thinking of doing it by the end of this year, but…”

ーーYou and your wife were on good terms.

“He’s very homely and has a strong personality. He really loves and respects my children.”

ーーDo you have a message for your fans?

“I wanted to say it from my own mouth, but I feel sorry for surprising you. I will return it at work, so please watch over me with warm eyes.”

After saying that, Shirai said, “Thank you for giving me the opportunity (to report)!”

With this nice guy, I’m sure many female fans will watch over “Papa” warmly.

( Weekly FLASH September 27th and October 4th combined issue

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