Hypertension: these 5 signs that absolutely must alert you

Arterial hypertension (HTA) is a chronic pathology, which is defined by an excessive rise in pressure in the arteries, is often diagnosed late because it generally does not cause any clinical signs. This is why it is presented as a “silent killer”. But some signs can still alert you.


This disease, which affects 1 in 3 adults, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), can in particular cause headaches accompanied by fatigue. Most of the time the headaches are localized at the back of the skull, and appear in the morning on waking.

As a reminder, blood pressure is said to be high when the systolic pressure is greater than 140 mmHg and/or the diastolic pressure is greater than 90 mmHg. It is calculated using a device called a tensiometer, an inflatable armband connected to a dial.

Note, however, that a single blood pressure measurement is not enough to carry out this diagnosis. High numbers during a measurement do not necessarily mean that you have permanent high blood pressure.

vision problems

High blood pressure, one of the main risk factors for heart disease, kidney failure, and stroke, can also cause dizziness and visual disturbances.

Hypertension can lead to the appearance of a veil, spots, dots, or black filaments in the field of vision and give the impression of seeing “flying flies”.


Another sign: excessive sweating. Sweating for no apparent reason can be a sign of high blood pressure. This cardiovascular condition concerns almost half of people over 65, aging favoring the loss of elasticity of the arteries.

But other factors can aggravate hypertension, such as being overweight, sedentary lifestyle, tobacco, alcohol, or even excessive salt consumption.


On the list of the main suggestive symptoms, there are also nosebleeds. Arterial hypertension which, in France, concerns about 14.5 million people (25% of men and 18% of women), can indeed cause a small nasal hemorrhage following the rupture of blood vessels.

Ringing in the ear

Finally, listen to your ears. High blood pressure is likely to alter the microcirculation in the inner ear, which can cause buzzing, whistling, or even reduced hearing.

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