Hygreviruses – Wikipedia

Hygreviruses – Wikipedia

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Higrevirus waimanalo (Hibiscus green spot virus 2) is a species of virus of the genus Higrevirusof which it is the only species (monotypic genus). They are single-stranded linear RNA viruses with positive polarity, which infect plants (phytoviruses). The family is assigned to group IV of the Baltimore classification.

This virus species is one of the causative agents of citrus leprosis.[3].

The generic name, ” Higrevirus “, is a combination derived from the name of the type species, Hibiscus green spot virus, followed by the suffix “ -virus » which characterizes the names of virus genres[4].

According to NCBI (December 23, 2020)[5] :

  • Hibiscus green spot virus 2 (type species)
  • unclassified
  1. ICTV. International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Taxonomy history. Published on the Internet consulté le 24 janvier 2021
  2. (in) ” Virus Taxonomy: 2023 Release », ICTV, August 2024 (accessed August 23, 2024).
  3. (in) ” Citrus leprosis disease is associated with several viruses », on EPPO Global Database, OEPP, 2017 (accessed December 23, 2020).
  4. (en) Michael Melzer, « create species Hibiscus green spot virus2 in a new unassigned genus named Higrevirus », on ICTV Taxonomy history: Higrevirus, ICTV, June 2013 (accessed December 23, 2020).
  5. NCBIconsulted on December 23, 2020

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