Hygiene and good health of the nose: advice from ENT specialists

2024-09-05 13:55:00

Do you really need to wash your nose every day?

Non. Although it is often said that the nose wash helps maintain healthy mucous membranes, it is only justified in certain cases. “For example, when you have a disease of the nose or sinuses, acute or chronic, such as allergic rhinitis, nasal polyposis or sinusitis, using a isotonic saline solution, or even hypertonic if it is blockedsays Dr. Duc Trung Nguyen, ENT and head and neck surgeon at the Nancy University Hospital. Outside of these situations, this daily wash can remove “good” mucus, which has beneficial antimicrobial properties.” An opinion shared and complemented by Dr. Nils Morel, ENT and head and neck surgeon: “It can also help to unclog nasal passages in case of cold, and prevent it from degenerating into sinusitis, but otherwise, a healthy nasal mucosa is physiologically capable of cleaning itself.

Can you pluck nose hair?

Absolutely not, because these hairs play an important role.

Nose hairs help filter large particles, such as dust, and humidify and warm the air we breathe. Dr. Nils Morel, ENT and head and neck surgeon.

Waxing them is therefore not recommended, “especially since it risks causing skin lesions, “can be a gateway for bacteria,” says Dr. Nguyen. If they are aesthetically disturbing, So it is better to cut the excess hairs with small scissors.

What to do if you have a pimple in one nostril?

Avoid touching or manipulating it, because it could delay healingor disinfect so as not to irritate the mucous membrane. “We simply clean with physiological serum and place the equivalent of a pea-sized amount of oily product in the nose to moisten the mucous membrane, such as Vaseline, calendula cream or Homeoplasmine, until it heals,” advises Dr. Morel. On the other hand, if there are clearly sfires from surinfection – the nose is swollen, red, painful – you should consult. “An antibiotic cream will then be prescribed by the doctor,” says Dr. Nguyen.

What are the risks of picking your nose or picking your nose?

Bleeding, lesions of the mucous membrane, infections are all risks listed by Dr. Nguyen. Not to mention that the more you pick your nose, the more dirt you produce. How to get rid of it? “By removing it with physiological serum before blowing your nose. You can try to remove it with your finger, but delicately.” If you often have dry nose, prone to scabsDr. Morel recommends acting upstream, “by moistening your nose with physiological serum and depositing a little fat with a cotton swab” (Vaseline, etc.). If the air in the room is too dry, place an air humidifier there.

Sniffing: Is it bad practice?

Oui. “Frequent sniffing can generate microtraumas of the nasal mucosa which can end up becoming inflamed, explains Dr. Nguyen. And if there is inflammation, there will be an over-secretion of mucus that will adhere to the mucous membrane, causing a feeling of discomfort that pushes you to sniff even more, hence a vicious circle. “So if you have a runny nose, you blow your nose, “without twisting your nose, which could traumatize the cartilaginous structures and cause local inflammation, but by blocking one nostril, then the other, in order to avoid creating hyperpressure in the upper airways.”

Is it a good idea to sneeze while holding your nose?

Non.“First, because the role of a sneeze is to expel particles that have lodged in the nose, a natural mechanism that must be respected “, says Dr. Morel. Then, because it is not without risk. “It can cause high pressure in the ENT area, which is why we recommend that people who have just had ear or sinus surgery sneeze while keeping their mouth open,” says Dr. Nguyen. The best thing to do is to sneeze into a tissue or, failing that, into your elbow.

How to react when you have a nosebleed?

In case of nosebleed, do not tilt your head back, as the blood could flow into your throat or even into your airways. “You should put your head forwardet compress both nostrils at the same time for 5 to 10 minutes, advises Dr. Nguyen. A cotton pad can possibly be placed if the bleeding persists. “But if it is really very heavy, it is recommended to call 112 or go to the emergency room. “And if it is frequent, consult an ENT specialist to look for the cause, for example a vascular malformation, high blood pressure, sleep apnea or a tumor.”

#Hygiene #good #health #nose #advice #ENT #specialists



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