Hyères Hospital Center Collaborates with CPTS Var Provence Méditerranée for Improved Patient Care and Access to Healthcare

Hyères Hospital Center Collaborates with CPTS Var Provence Méditerranée for Improved Patient Care and Access to Healthcare

2024-02-26 09:27:20

As part of improving the region’s healthcare offering and patient care, a cooperation agreement defining the collaboration between the Hyères Hospital Center (CHH) and the CPTS Var Provence Méditerranée (CPTS VPM ) was signed on Friday February 16 (1). The objective is to improve access to care and develop coordinated practice between health professionals. The expected benefit is also greater fluidity of health pathways for the patient. The principles governing collaboration between the parties are based on the methods of guiding patients, with a view to ensuring the treatment of pathologies falling within their specialties. The CHH undertakes to refer patients whose state of health is compatible with referral to the CPTS, the association undertakes to ensure the availability of the structure’s practitioners.

The CPTS is made up of all city health professionals who work in close collaboration with health establishments, those involved in prevention or health promotion, medico-social and social establishments and services. These are professionals who wish to coordinate in a territory, to respond to one or more health issues that they have identified. The health project is a prerequisite for contractualization between professionals. A tripartite agreement was signed between the CPTS VPM, the CPAM and the ARS to set the framework.

This system aims to facilitate the exercise of health professionals, and to improve the organization of patient care. It is the initiative of the health professionals themselves.


(1). The signing took place in the presence of Yann Le Bras, director of CHH, Jacques Ledoux, site director of CHH, Dr Jean-Denis Firoloni, president of CME, Dr Ian Perinet, geriatrician, Dr Amandine Chollet, head of the CHH Polyvalent Medicine Pole, Sandrine Garnier, president of the CPTS VPM, Dr Adrien Mugneret, vice-president CPTS VPM and Isabelle Ledroit, referent of the system.

You are in ALD (long-term illness and do not have a treating doctor, contact the CPTS VPM: or by email at [email protected]
#Hyères #hospital #partnership #facilitate #journey

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