Natural hydrogen: a sector under construction

2024-09-02 09:30:57

In a new opinion, the Academy of Technologies calls for support for the French natural hydrogen sector in order to accelerate the characterization of the resource and exploration.

In early 2022, France recognized natural hydrogen as a resource in the mining code. Since then, the first exploration permits have been filed, particularly in the southwest, in New Aquitaine, in the East, the Massif Central and in Bugey. The geology of these regions seems indeed conducive to the presence of natural hydrogen.

In a new opinionthe Academy of Technologies highlights the points which would allow this anticipated potential to be developed more quickly and support the sector under construction. We would like to warn about the time it takes to obtain an exploration permit in France. The normal time to look at a permit is 18 months.s, warned Isabelle Moretti, academic, specialist in natural hydrogen, during the presentation of the opinion. We must be able to do better without doing harm.”

In this context, the Academy of Technologies calls for natural hydrogen to be labelled as decarbonised at the European Commission level. This would provide access to potential subsidies and facilitate commercialisation in the event of a discovery. Public research could, for its part, assess France’s potential globally and acquire initial data. QA few million euros would be enough to carry out a large-scale assessment of the prospective areas”assures the Academy of Sciences. This could be an opportunity to obtain data on the measurement of gases in soils, the mapping of generating rocks and the evaluation of their potential. For example, Nouvelle-Aquitaine has invested €500,000 in this exploration.

Natural hydrogen in search of structuring

The Academy also calls for subsidizing companies that have begun exploration, if they make the data acquired public. This could be done via a call for expressions of interest from France 2030. The companies that have been created – TBH2, 45-8 Energy, la Française de l’énergie – are small companies and need financial support,” hammers Isabelle Moretti. The Academy also calls for “ support all decarbonized hydrogen with the same vigor,” whether it is natural or obtained by electrolysis of water with decarbonized electricity.

Finally, the Academy calls for helping service companies and technology providers position themselves in this new industry. This would allow for the rapid development of missing tools, including modeling tools, characterization of hydrogen-generating rocks, geophysics and gas measurement.

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