Hyderabad: Malayalam player Sanju and his team are going to play their first match in the 16th season of IPL today. Sanju’s Rajasthan Sunrisers will face Hyderabad in the first match today. The match will start at 3.30 pm at the Hyderabad venue. Last time under the leadership of Sanju, Rajasthan Kaiyakale, who rushed to the finals, is hoping to regain the lost title this time. Fans also have high hopes for the Rajasthan team which includes Jaiswal, Buttler, Hetmyer, Chahal, Ashwin and Sampa.
On the other hand, Hyderabad will be led by Bhuvneshwar Kumar as skipper Aiden Markram is with the national team. Hyderabad, who were in the eighth position last time, have made a drastic change and are entering the new season aiming for a big comeback. Match winners such as England youth season Harry Brook, Sundar, Umran and Tripathi are the strength of the team.
Glamor fight
Bangalore: Super team in second match today Mumbai Indians and Bangalore Royal Challengers Not at Chinnaswamy, Bangalore’s ground. The fight is from 7.30 pm. Last season, it was behind. It is enough to settle the account and return to the crown path. Mumbai Indians, the two-time champions Going down to the jungle. If Bumrah is missing. Lum Archer’s arrival to Rohit
It also gives courage to the team.
On the other hand, you can own a crown that has not yet been grasped. I am Faf Duplessis led by Kohli Coming down to Bangalore with the big guns. The team that played in the play-offs this time also advanced. The fans are expecting more.