Hybrid car caught fire on hilltop – had to be lowered into container filled with water

– Now we have taken it out of the carport, where it was inside, and placed it in a container that we are filling, so that the car is half covered with water, so that we have cooling on the battery pack at all times, says the emergency manager at North Jutland Emergency Services Klavs Bojsen on Friday evening.

Attentive owner

The fire was caused by a build-up of heat, possibly caused by a short circuit in the car’s battery.

Fortunately, the owner of the car quickly discovered the fire and turned off the power.

Therefore, the car only really caught fire when the first firefighters had already arrived at the address.

– Thank God it hadn’t happened at night. At least then they had woken up to the fact that there had been a proper fire and that at the time there had also been a petrol truck next to it, says Klavs Bojsen.

24 hours in water

Before the emergency services might lower the car into water, they kept the batteries chilled and pulled the car out of the carport. A crane was used to lower the car into the container.

The car must now be left in the container for 24 hours before the emergency services can lift the car up once more.

In the meantime, a watch arrangement is being made for the firemen in Mariager, who must continuously keep an eye on the container. The extinguishing water must then be handled before the container can be taken back home with the emergency services.

– There is a reaction inside that battery, and it takes a very long time before it has cooled down properly, says the emergency manager, who adds that the container is also smart because the emergency services work on a residential road that goes up steeply.

– We are up on a hilltop, and if we were to use many thousands of liters of water, we would cause greater pollution, he says.

The emergency services expected to be at the address for another hour on Friday around 18.30.

No one was injured in the fire, which was reported on Friday at 3:57 p.m.

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2024-07-19 16:41:22
#Hybrid #car #caught #fire #hilltop #lowered #container #filled #water



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