Huy prison: after a meal delivery by drone, the staff denounces the overcrowding and the lack of security

The straw that broke the camel’s back was some time ago the “home” delivery of a fast-food menu to an inmate in a cell, a delivery by drone. Unacceptable for the unions who fear a repetition of this scenario with drugs or weapons. The safety of other inmates and staff may be at risk.

Overcrowding can also cause insecurity, the risk of riots but, without going that far, Luc Monfort, SLFP points to the health risk: “we can no longer isolate people likely to have a disease that is not necessarily serious but contagious. We put people who may have lice, scabies or covid in the same cells with others who have nothing”.

The unions expect reactions beyond the management of the establishment: “the management is doing what it can. Here, political and federal decisions are needed; the first time I heard regarding the plan for the complete modernization of the prison was in 2003. We are in 2023… We are make fun of us!”



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