Hutois Funeral Tribute: The Heartfelt Farewell and Community Support

2023-11-22 09:52:00

On the square, loved ones are there: family, friends, acquaintances, some students too. They are holding a white rose in their hand, a Stitch cuddly toy, the four girls’ favorite characters. There is also Martine’s close friend and her family, Virginie, who says she is “unable to speak, to say a word, it’s too hard”. There are also Hutois who did not know the family directly and who came to support and pay tribute. “This tragedy has shaken many Hutois, everyone is talking regarding it. We want to support them until the end.”

The hearses left Avenue de la Croix-Rouge and the Dubois-Tannier funeral home. At the foot of the collegiate church, the Hutois wait. Two bikers from the police zone open the procession, a first hearse, filled with wreaths of flowers, arrives at the foot of the collegiate church. In astonishing silence… No more noise, no more movement. Then one by one, the six hearses maneuver to settle on the square. From there where a few moments later, the white coffins are taken towards the heart of the collegiate church.

The family of the victims of the fire had asked to be able to experience this moment in complete privacy, out of sight, once the coffins had entered the religious building. There, Father Éric Ndeze prepared a simple homily. “We are going to translate the desire to open ourselves to hope,” he explains a few moments earlier. And added: “it’s a little complicated because an entire family has disappeared. There will be different interventions during the funeral. Everyone will have gestures and words to convey.”

Once the celebration is over, the hearses will head towards the La Buissière cemetery where the parents and the four little girls will be buried side by side.

“The city has been devastated for a week, I had to be present at the funeral” (video)
#Dramatic #fire #Huy #journey #Robert #Martine #Melissa #Natasha #Olivia #Tatiana #photos #video



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