New complaint against Alberto Fernandez focuses on role as trustee of Olivos

2024-08-08 01:50:00

just one day later Gender-based violence complaint filed by Fabiola Yañezformer president Alberto Fernandez On Wednesday, he suffered a new judicial setback for allegedly failing to discharge his duties as a public official.

The speech starts with the group united republican partyHighlights the role played by presidential guardianship, accused of failing to protect former first lady amid alleged gender-based violence against her.

Allegations of “physical and psychological violence” against Alberto Fernandez evolved into a new complaint aimed at Investigating the role of custodians serving at Olivos Estate to determine the extent to which her actions contributed to the former first lady’s lack of protection.

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On social networks, united Republican leaders Yamil Santoro He confirmed that his political space had launched a new complaint against Fernandez.

Photo: X/@yamilsantoro

In this regard, Santoro clarified that “in addition to the criminal prosecution that the victim must file, there are also Breach of duties of a public official”.

“Everything would have taken place under the protection of a public building that was used as a residence for the president and not as a haven for crime,” the judicial statement said. horn.

The file was opened in Brigadier General Pi and would receive treatment at the court of Marcelo Martínez de Giorgio.

The document emphasizes that the presence of some form of physical violence “would constitute a violation of basic standards of public morality of a legal and regulatory nature”.

Alberto Fernandez and Fabiola Yanez Alberto Fernandez and Fabiola Yanez.

The focus of the accusation therefore turns to “those who protect the president and his family, who are officials under orders from the president of the country himself”.

The complaint was signed by José Lucas Magioncalda (Head of the Apollo Foundation’s legal team), Mariana Soledad Crispulo, Gabriel Alejandro Salvatore, Mariano José Mizrahi, Ximena de Tezanos Pinto, Felipe Odriozola, Carlos María García and Juan Martín Fazio.

It was also reported in the presentation that if Former First Lady Suffers Physical ViolenceAlberto Fernández would have violated “the obligation to use the functions and assets assigned to the defendant for legitimate purposes and not to misuse them for unlawful acts, the obligation to act with integrity, the obligation to avoid actions detrimental to public functions, the obligation to comply with the obligation not to be subject to reprehensible conduct, the obligation not to take reprisals unless such reprisals arise out of the performance of duties, and the obligation to behave with dignity and propriety.

Fioribello: “Fabiola told me that Alberto Fernandez hit her many times and the pictures are horrifying”

Complaint of gender violence against Alberto Fernandez

Alberto Fernandez Alberto Fernandez.

Fabiola Yañez contacted the Julian Ercolini court this week in order to Gender-based violence case against former president reopened.

The former first lady said she “suffered what those he reported to called “psychological terrorism”and phone harassment every day.

Thereafter, the Ministry of Justice “ordered protective measures against her” and prohibited Fernandez from “coming within 500 meters of the complainant.”

‘I Believe Her’: Alberto Fernandez universally rejected over Fabiola Yáñez complaints

Former presidents are also not allowed to leave the country, likewise Order to “cease disruptive or intimidating behavior” (directly and indirectly) directed at your ex-partner, whether through analogy or digital means.

Alberto Fernandez insisted in a statement that the contents of the complaint “are false,” adding that he would provide the judiciary with “evidence and testimony that will reveal the true situation.”


#complaint #Alberto #Fernandez #focuses #role #trustee #Olivos



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