Hunting alleged Jews at the airport: Attacks in Russia’s Muslim North Caucasus

2023-10-29 21:44:17

Russia is officially a country of many peoples and religions. But the Russian Muslims stand by the Palestinians. In a heated mood, Muslims hunt down supposed Jews.

Incoming planes were diverted to other airports, the state aviation authority Rosawiazija told the Tass agency. Rosawiazija later announced that security forces had cleared the area. The airport will remain closed until November 6th.

Citing the state aviation authority Rosawiazija, it is also said that arriving planes were diverted to other airports. On Saturday, a crowd of angry people surrounded a hotel in the city of Khasavyurt, Dagestan, because of a rumor that refugees from Israel were being housed there. The state agency Ria confirmed this incident. According to local reports, several dozen men broke into the hotel to allegedly check the passports of hotel guests. The police sealed off the hotel.

The situation is made worse by the fact that the evacuation flights for Russian citizens from Tel Aviv land in the North Caucasus, namely at the airports of Makhachkala, Mineralnye Vody and Sochi. In the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, Russian Muslims stand by their Palestinian brethren.

People shouted “Allahu Akbar”

In Nalchik, tires were set on fire next to a Jewish cultural center under construction on Sunday, the Ria news agency reported. According to the security authorities of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, the building was daubed with extremist slogans. According to photos, it said “Death to the Jews.” In the republic of Karachayevo-Cherkessia, demonstrators called for the local Jewish population to be deported.

According to the website Flightradar, a Russian airline Red Wings flight from Tel Aviv landed in Mahachchkala at 7 p.m. local time. According to the independent Russian media Sota, it was a transit flight that was scheduled to fly on to Moscow at 9 p.m.

It initially remained unclear whether the plane was still on the tarmac that evening and what was happening to the passengers. Before entering the airport, some of the men tried to check the passports of passengers looking for Israeli citizens. The videos showed one holding a sign that read, “Child murderers have no place in Dagestan.” Others shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is great).

“Anti-Semitism has no place in the multi-ethnic North Caucasus”

The head of the Republic of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov, called on the population not to be incited by extremists who wanted to destabilize the situation. “Because of the fakes spread by our enemies, some very young people were on the verge of violating the laws,” he wrote on Telegram. The region’s Islamic clergy also made it clear: “Anti-Semitism has no place in the multi-ethnic North Caucasus.”

Because of the violence in the Middle East, President Vladimir Putin met with the heads of the religions represented in Russia last week. He called for peaceful coexistence between peoples and religions in the large country.

After the incident, Israel called on Russia to protect all Israeli citizens. His country expects the Russian authorities to “protect all Israeli citizens and all Jews and take decisive action against the rioters and incitement to violence against Jews and Israelis,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.

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