Hunt: Showdown 1896: Everything about the big relaunch

Hunt: Showdown 1896: Everything about the big relaunch

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On August 15, 2024, the popular shooter Hunt: Showdown will be entirely renewed. After five years of dedicated service, the game is receiving a comprehensive update that transforms everything—from graphics to gameplay mechanics. With the update to Hunt: Showdown 1896, players can expect a host of exciting new features that will redefine the gaming experience on next-gen consoles and PC.

What changes with Hunt: Showdown 1896?

The new map: Mammon’s Gulch

A major highlight is the brand-new map “Mammon’s Gulch”. Instead of the familiar swamps of Louisiana, players will now venture into the harsh and rocky landscapes of Colorado. This new environment boasts steep cliffs and significant elevation changes. The abandoned mine shafts and rugged paths present challenges for both new and returning players. Caution is advised in the mines, as trap placements have been revamped, allowing players to place traps freely, which may turn certain areas into trap hotspots.

Source: Crytek

The new boss – Hellborn

Alongside the new map comes a new boss – Hellborn. This fiery creature is not only dangerous but also incredibly tough. The somewhat oversized Immolator can launch explosive fireballs at players, adding an extra layer of danger to the hunt. We are still unsure how frequently he fires these fireballs or how he reacts to chokebombs, but maintaining distance seems to be the most prudent strategy thus far. Perhaps he is relatively straightforward, much like the previous bosses. This may involve attaching a sticky bomb and letting it do its work.

Discover the big update for Hunt: Showdown 1896 on August 15th with new weapons, a new map and boss on CryEngine 5.11!Source: Crytek

New weapons and revised ballistics

The armory in Hunt: Showdown is also being expanded. New rifles and tools will be introduced, including a carbine (1865 Carbine), Infantry 73L Base Rifle, and a modern crossbow with a telescopic sight. Additionally, bear traps can now be carried as tools.

One of the most significant changes pertains to shooting mechanics: players will need to be aware of bullet drop, meaning that shots will drop over longer distances, making aiming more challenging. At shorter distances, players may not notice bullet drop significantly, but for snipers, there will be a new learning curve, making it harder to hit targets at 150 meters.

The new Hunt: Showdown 1896 Engine: CryEngine 5.11

One technical innovation is the transition to CryEngine 5.11. This engine upgrade brings not only enhanced graphics and lighting but also shorter loading times. However, this means that older consoles, such as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, will no longer be supported.

Additional features and improvements

The update also introduces numerous smaller changes to enhance the gaming experience. These include a new covenant in the upcoming event. In the “Scorched Earth” event, three covenants will return, two of which will be familiar to veteran Hunt players: the Lawful Pact and the Demented Pact. The new covenant is called “Wilderness,” although its exact functions and usefulness are yet to be determined. The user interface has also been overhauled for improved intuitiveness and user-friendliness.

Hunt: Showdown 1896 represents a significant milestone in the game’s history. With enhanced graphics, thrilling new content, and revised game mechanics, this update will ensure that Hunt: Showdown continues to be one of the most engaging games of its genre. Players should mark August 15th on their calendars, as a new chapter begins in the dark world of Hunt: Showdown.

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    <p><span><span class="breadcrumb_last" aria-current="page">Hunt: Showdown 1896: Everything about the big relaunch</span></span></p>
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                                    <p><strong>On August 15, 2024, the popular shooter <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">Hunt: Showdown</a> completely renewed. After five years of loyal service, the game is getting a comprehensive update that changes everything - from the graphics to the game mechanics. With the update to Hunt: Showdown 1896, players can look forward to a number of exciting new features that will redefine the gaming experience on next-gen consoles and PC.</strong></p>

                                    <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-was-andert-sich-mit-hunt-showdown-1896">What changes with Hunt: Showdown 1896?</h2>

                                    <h3 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-die-neue-karte-mammon-s-gulch">The new map: Mammon's Gulch</h3>

                                    <p>A big highlight is the brand new map <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">„Mammon’s Gulch“</a>. Instead of the familiar swamps of Louisiana, players now explore the harsh and rocky landscape of Colorado. This new environment features steep cliffs and large elevation changes. The abandoned mine shafts and rugged paths challenge old and new players alike. Personally, I would be cautious in the mines though, because trap placement has also been reworked and you can now place traps however you want; it will almost certainly become a trap gathering place.</p>

                                    <img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="1024" height="576" src="" alt="Discover the big update for Hunt: Showdown 1896 on August 15th with new weapons, a new map and boss on CryEngine 5.11!" class="wp-image-10979" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 624w, 1280w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px"/>

                                    <h3 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-der-neue-boss-hellborn">The new boss – Hellborn</h3>

                                    <p>With the new map comes a new boss – <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">Hellborn</a>. This burning monster is not only dangerous but also very robust. The slightly oversized Immolator can shoot explosive fireballs at the hunters, making hunting him even more dangerous. We don't yet know how often he shoots these fireballs or how he reacts to chokebombs, but keeping your distance seems to be the best option so far. Maybe he's relatively simple, like the old bosses. By that, I mean attaching the sticky bomb and letting it take effect.</p>

                                    <img decoding="async" width="686" height="386" src="" alt="Discover the big update for Hunt: Showdown 1896 on August 15th with new weapons, a new map and boss on CryEngine 5.11!" class="wp-image-10980" style="width:837px;height:auto" srcset=" 686w, 300w, 624w" sizes="(max-width: 686px) 100vw, 686px"/>

                                    <h3 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-neue-waffen-und-eine-uberarbeitete-ballistik">New weapons and revised ballistics</h3>

                                    <p>The armory in Hunt: Showdown is also being expanded. There are new rifles and tools, including a carbine (1865 Carbine), Infantry 73L Base Rifle, and a modern crossbow with a telescopic sight. In addition, bear traps can now also be carried as tools.</p>

                                    <p>One of the biggest changes, however, concerns the shooting mechanics: in the future, players will have to pay attention to the so-called bullet drop. This means that shots will drop over longer distances, making aiming more challenging. At short distances, you won't really feel the bullet drop, but for the snipers among you, there will be a new learning phase to hit a target at 150 m effectively.</p>

                                    <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-die-neue-hunt-showdown-1896-engine-cryengine-5-11">The new Hunt: Showdown 1896 Engine: CryEngine 5.11</h2>

                                    <p>One of the technical innovations is the switch to CryEngine 5.11. This engine improvement not only brings better graphics and lighting but also shorter loading times. However, this also means that older consoles such as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are no longer supported.</p>

                                    <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-zusatzliche-features-und-verbesserungen">Additional features and improvements</h2>

                                    <p>The update also brings many smaller changes that improve the gaming experience. This currently includes a new covenant in the upcoming events. In the “Scorched Earth” event, there will again be three covenants, two of which will already be familiar to older Hunt players. The Lawful Pact and the Demented Pact are again part of the event. The new covenant is called “Wilderness,” but what it does exactly and how useful it will be cannot be said at this point. The user interface has also been revised to be more intuitive and user-friendly.</p>

                                    <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-effekte-der-aenderungen">Effects of the Changes</h2>

                                    <p>The vast array of updates promises to significantly enhance gameplay. Here are some key benefits:</p>
                                        <li><strong>Enhanced Visuals:</strong> Upgraded graphics engine ensures that the environments and character details are more lifelike while maintaining the atmospheric tension of the game.</li>
                                        <li><strong>Dynamic Gameplay:</strong> New map features and boss mechanics add layers of strategy that keep players engaged and on their toes.</li>
                                        <li><strong>Increased Accessibility:</strong> Revised user interfaces make navigation easier for newcomers while providing depth for veterans.</li>
                                        <li><strong>Weapon Variety:</strong> New weapons offer diverse gameplay styles, catering to various player preferences.</li>

                                    <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-future-outlook">Future Outlook</h2>

                                    <p>With the imminent relaunch of <strong>Hunt: Showdown 1896</strong>, expectations are soaring among the player community. The shift to CryEngine 5.11 is not just a technical upgrade; it's a promise that the developers are committed to providing a thrilling gaming journey. Early impressions from beta testers indicate a more polished experience, with an emphasis on the player community's feedback.</p>

                                    <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-community-engagement-and-feedback">Community Engagement and Feedback</h2>

                                    <p>As Hunt: Showdown transitions into this new phase, player feedback becomes crucial. The developers are actively engaging with the community, hosting forums, and live Q&A sessions. Insightful suggestions from players during the beta phase have already informed specific tweaks and improvements.</p>

                                    <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-revamped-game-playability">Revamped Gameplay and Replayability</h2>

                                    <p>With the addition of the new covenant and various updated mechanics, the gameplay of <strong>Hunt: Showdown 1896</strong> promotes a higher level of replayability. Players will undoubtedly find new ways to approach encounters and adapt their strategies based on the evolving game dynamics.</p>

                                    <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-systems-requirements">System Requirements for Hunt: Showdown 1896</h2>

                                    <table class="wp-block-table">
                                                <th>Minimum Requirements</th>
                                                <th>Recommended Requirements</th>
                                                <td>OS: Windows 10</td>
                                                <td>OS: Windows 11</td>
                                                <td>Processor: Intel Core i5-2500 / AMD FX-6300</td>
                                                <td>Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 / AMD Ryzen 5 1600</td>
                                                <td>Memory: 8 GB RAM</td>
                                                <td>Memory: 16 GB RAM</td>
                                                <td>Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / AMD Radeon HD 7500</td>
                                                <td>Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 390</td>
                                                <td>DirectX: Version 11</td>
                                                <td>DirectX: Version 12</td>
                                                <td>Storage: 20 GB available space</td>
                                                <td>Storage: 30 GB available space</td>

                                    <p><strong><a target="_blank" href="">Hunt: Showdown 1896</a></strong> marks an important milestone in the game's history. With improved graphics, exciting new content, and revised game mechanics, the update will ensure that Hunt: Showdown continues to be one of the most exciting games of its kind. Players should mark August 15th in their calendars, because that's when a new chapter begins in the dark world of Hunt: Showdown.</p>

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