hunt for the instigators –

Rita Cavallaro

October 12, 2024

The spy with the obsession for the sisters of Italy, who swears he did everything alone despite the investigators looking for the instigator. Yet another “dossier” scandal, which explodes on the political scene in the midst of the Striano & Co affair, once again has the same victims, the government and centre-right politicians, but raises the bar for spying. Because this time the prime minister Giorgia Meloni and her sister Arianna, as well as her ex-partner Andrea Giambruno, ministers, high officials of the Republic, some left-wing exponents, were targeted by an Intesa San Paolo banker from Bisceglie, 52-year-old Vincenzo Coviello. magistrates and leaders of the armed forces.

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“Those data and news, in the interest of the security of the State or, in any case, in the political, internal or international interest of the State, had to remain secret”, wrote the chief prosecutor of Bari Roberto Rossi and the deputy Giuseppe Maralfa in the decree search, which the police carried out last Thursday at the banker’s home, where they seized phones, computers, IT devices and documents, in order to trace the instigators.

In the same way as the investigations of the Perugia prosecutor, Raffaele Cantone, who is looking for the great old man, accomplices and recipients of the Anti-Mafia vermin, the alleged dossier hatched by the financier Pasquale Striano, investigated in collaboration with the former prosecutor Antonio Laudati and three journalists from Tomorrow for unauthorized access to databases and disclosure of the secret. At the Super Prosecutor’s Office, the spy team has carried out a monstrous number of illicit intrusions on the confidential documents of centre-right politicians, which have become exclusive in the newspaper, but a large amount, over 220 thousand files, have disappeared.

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On the one hand, therefore, the suspicion of an SOS market, on the other the belief that the “curious” banker did not act alone. The official allegedly carried out, from 21 February 2022 to 24 April 2024, a total of 6,637 unauthorized accesses to the data of 3,572 customers “portfolios” in the 679 branches of the group, in most cases querying the accounts of the same customers filed by Striano. An illegal activity carried out «probably in collaboration with and in agreement with person(s) to be identified (instigator(s) of the abusive access to the IT system of the Intesa San Paolo Group and recipient(s) of the information acquired through the abusive access), and their family members and/or collaborators, in order to procure for themselves and/or others, through the consultation of those data, information which, in the interest of the security of the State or, in any case, in the political, internal or international interest, of the State remain secret”, the investigators write.

Among those spied on, in addition to the prime minister and her sister, even the DNA prosecutor, Giovanni Melillo, Striano’s boss in the last phase of the financier’s career, when the minister Guido Crosetto opened Pandora’s box following a complaint. Crosetto himself was paid attention by the banker, together with the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa, the head of Tourism, Daniela Santanché, and the Minister for European Affairs, Raffaele Fitto. Coviello looked at the accounts of Matteo Renzi, already a victim of Striano, but also those of former prime ministers Enrico Letta, Mario Draghi, Massimo D’Alema and Giuliano Amato. There is the entire Verdini family and the big names of the Berlusconi family, Marina and Piersilvio. And again the dem Francesco Boccia, the five-star Luigi Di Maio and the leader of the Greens, Angelo Bonelli. With some entertainment and sports personalities here and there.

#hunt #instigators #Tempo



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