Hundreds of American banks are already insolvent

American economist Nouriel Roubini, known for his prediction of the 2008-2009 crisis, said that the situation is developing in such a way that a banking collapse is inevitable. Most US banks today are technically close to breaking the bank, Roubini said.

American economist:

And hundreds of American banks are already insolvent.

According to him, there are several factors that led to this situation. The main factor is the record level of debt of households and enterprises.


The revaluation of such assets as company shares and real estate also played a role. They do not bring the income that could reduce the risks.

According to Roubini, after the Fed’s decision to raise the key rate range to 4.75-5 percent, banks in the United States faced a profitability problem:

The difference between the interest received on loans and the interest paid on deposits turned out to be very small. This led many banks to take risks, which made them even more vulnerable.

According to an economic expert, the US banking system is highly concentrated. This can lead to the fact that if it is not possible to “rescue” several large banks in the event of a repetition of the situation with Silicon Valley Bank, then the state will no longer be able to cope with the avalanche fall of the banking sector.

There are those in the US who believe that Roubini is exaggerating. Thus, it is noted that today the US banking system is more stable than in 2008, “due to the involvement of the state.” In fact, Roubini’s opponents admit that it is the state in the United States that remains the only tool that private banks can count on, since the state has a printing press. But in such a situation, it looks like the US is going to put out an economic fire, if one happens, with “gasoline”, printing dollars more and more actively with a decrease in demand for dollars in the global economy.

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