Hundred-year-old Lembit Rõõmus heats his own sauna

Favorite Voldemar Rõmus. Malle-Liisa Raigla’s photo

When Haapsala resident Lembit Voldemar Rõõmus, who turned one hundred years old on July 19, went to the mailbox and found an envelope there, he immediately mistook it for a tax notice.

However, it was not a tax notice. Instead, it was a congratulatory letter from President Alar Karis. “When I opened it, I was seriously surprised that such a thing came to an ordinary person,” says Rõõmus. And little of it. On the occasion of the birthday, the mayor of Haapsalu also stopped by. “It was also a surprise that such important strangers,” says Rõõmus.

“The mayor hasn’t come before?” – “No.” – “For that, you had to be a hundred years old.” Joy smiles. “What did the mayor say?” – “What did he say… It was very pleasant.”

On July 25, the window of the living room will be decorated with a hundred golden balloons. The table is full of flowers, candy boxes are stacked. The President’s greeting and Haapsalu mayor’s letter of thanks are beautifully framed right next to it. Rõmús sits down, examines the mug with letters from Lääne Elu with steely interest, and says with shining eyes: “Oh, how nice!”

Rõõmus is the first centenarian interviewee with whom I have arranged an interview directly and by phone, and not through relatives. Rõõmus has explained in detail how and where to come, not forgetting to specify which direction they are coming from, and promised to leave the doors open. Come in yourself.

That’s exactly how it is. Both doors are open, Rõõmus is sitting in checkered trousers with suspenders and an ironed shirt, waiting to be seated in the red armchair, to examine the gift mug with steely interest, to start asking questions, and he will answer. And to worry, he doesn’t speak too fast, maybe he won’t be able to write it down.

He remembers the details of his life and has a rare memory.

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2024-07-27 05:00:55
#Hundredyearold #Lembit #Rõõmus #heats #sauna



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