2023-05-11 01:47:57
Show the reality of animal testing through ‘Rocket’
Animal Rights Group Gives ‘Not a Number’ Award to Director
Marvel Studios’ new film ‘Guardians of the Galaxy 3’ has been praised as “the best animal rights movie of the year” for its depiction of the reality of laboratory animals. Courtesy of The Walt Disney Company Korea
※ The content of the movie is included.
As the movie
“Best Animal Rights Movie of the Year”
The film opens with the young Rocket’s face changing to his current appearance. “I am a monster. I don’t fit in here.” Rocket sings along to the famous song ‘Creep’ by the rock band Radiohead. Why did he come to consider himself a monster? The hint is in the number ’89P13′ engraved on Rocket’s chest. In fact, when Rocket was a baby raccoon, he was subjected to animal experiments by villains conducting illegal genetic manipulation experiments. His skull was severed and a machine was inserted into his chest. Raccoons were not the only ones who were mobilized for the living experiment. Various animals such as rabbits, otters, walruses, monkeys, and turtles become test subjects for illegal genetic manipulation experiments by villains.

In addition to Rocket, the otter Lyla, the walrus Tiffs, and the rabbit Flour were set as experimental animals (from the left in the photo) provided by The Walt Disney Company Korea.
Trapped in a narrow and dirty cage, Rocket becomes friendly with the otter ‘Lila’, the rabbit ‘Floor’, and the walrus ‘Tips’, and dreams of escaping the laboratory with his friends by building a flying device one day. Just as parts of Rocket’s body have been replaced with machines, other animals are drawn with devices inserted in their legs and feet. These depictions in the film remind us of real lab animals. The international animal rights organization PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, PETA) also evaluated Gao Gal 3 as sending a strong message regarding animal testing. At the same time, the group on the 8th (local time) ‘Not a Number Award’ awarded to director James Gunn of Gao Galaxy 3did. “Director James Gunn gave faces, names and personalities to millions of vulnerable animals sacrificed in laboratories. This work helped us to see animals as individuals and taught us that animal testing is not essential. It is selected as the best animal rights film of the year.”
‘Sad historical evidence’ containing the reality of experimental animals
They also organized and released details in the movie that reflected the reality of experimental animals.
① Animals are given an ID number instead of a nameis true. The number 89P13 is engraved on the chest of the rocket. The same goes for Lyla. In this way, animals that are mobilized for experiments have numbers engraved on their chests or ears. The name of the award, ‘It’s not a number’ awarded by the organization, means that these animals are life, not just experimental subjects.

PETA, an international animal rights organization, introduced details in the movie that reflect the real conditions of laboratory animals. Animals that are mobilized for experiments usually have their ID numbers engraved on their chests or ears. provided by peta

PETA, an international animal rights organization, introduced details in the movie that reflect the real conditions of laboratory animals. The scene where Rocket was restrained for the experiment as a child (left) is similar to the restraint device used in the actual mammal experiment. provided by peta
② Rocket’s childhood The restraining device that was tied during the experiment is very similar to the actual primate experiment. The appearance of the rabbit floor wearing a machine in its mouth also reminds me of the ‘rabbit draze test’, in which chemicals are dropped in the eyes while the whole body is restrained. ③ That a significant amount of animal testing is often done for curiosity and has no real purposewas shown through the mad scientist ‘High Evolutionary’ obsessed with meaningless perfection in the movie.

Rabbits are used for animal testing of various sanitary products because of their small size and ease of handling. Courtesy of Animal Rights Group Anonymous of Voiceless (AV)
④ Cosmo, a dog that uses telekinesis A remark alluding to the ‘Leica’ that the Soviet Union sent into space on an artificial satellitedo In the 1950s and 1960s, the United States and the Soviet Union competed in space development and experimented with animals such as dogs and monkeys on satellites. Among them, the dog Laika, who rode Sputnik 2, was the first space dog to fly over the earth, but eventually died without returning.

Cosmo, a dog with telekinesis, talks regarding the Soviet Union sending a dog into space on a satellite as if it were his own story. Courtesy of The Walt Disney Company Korea

In 1957, Laika, the first dog in space, boarded a Soviet satellite and flew over the Earth. However, Leica did not come back alive. Internet capture
The film realistically portrays the painful lives of laboratory animals, but it is not dark or pessimistic. However, there are several scenes that stimulate the glands of tears, so it would be better to prepare a handkerchief. As the character Nebula said in the movie, “(animal experiments) are more terrible than any experiment Thanos has ever done on me,” I hope many audiences will sympathize with. Gao Gal 3, which was released on the 3rd, recorded a cumulative audience of 1.92 million in 10 days as of the 11th, ranking first at the box office. Reporter Kim Ji-sook suoop@hani.co.kr
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