Hugues Foulon, cybersecurity craftsman at Orange

Posted Jan 19, 2022, 7:05 AMUpdated on Jan 19, 2022 at 7:08 am

Hugues Foulon does not have a minute to lose. From data theft at ETI Lyonnaise LDLC to security breaches revealed at giants such as Apple, Amazon, Twitter… cyberattacks spare no one, shaking up geopolitics by paralyzing government sites in Ukraine… And pushing Emmanuel Macron to plan a plan to fight against cybercrime of 1 billion. “The question for companies is not whether they will be attacked… but when,” summarizes Hugues Foulon, CEO of Orange Cyberdefense (OCD).

The man knows what he’s talking about. OCD published its annual “Security Navigator” report in December. And the numbers are there: in 2021, cyberattacks jumped 13%. And “75% of ransomware victims are now small and medium-sized businesses”, underlines this 53-year-old Parisian.

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