Ugo “Cachoro” Godoy: ‘The presidential veto is a cruel and brutal act’

2024-09-04 14:58:30

trade union leader, Hugo “Puppy” Godoy, He pointed out that the “government’s intention” is to benefit a few and harm the majority by implementing a “privilege policy” for those who “take money out of the country”. Furthermore, he stressed the need for a sovereign policy based on social justice and a state that “acts on the basis of the popular majority” and proposed possible solutions. General strike. “The decision of our trade unions and the Central Committee of Own-Employed Workers is to create conditions for unifying the struggle and establishing new measures of strength,” he declared in a statement. Mordo Fontevchiago through internet tv, Introduction to radio (1190 am) amadeus radio (FM 91.1).

Hugo “Cachorro” Godoy is the secretary-general of the autonomous CTA, who joined the organization after a long career in the National Workers Association.

Alejandro Gomel: A faction of CTA, UTEP and CGT announced that they will mobilize in Congress next week to demand a veto over Javier Milei’s retirement. The battle plan has been restarted, how are you preparing?

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Yes, in fact we have no plans to stop fighting at any time. The last big day is August 7th. We have been accompanying the retirees from Wednesday to Wednesday, but This is presidential veto This is a cruel and very cruel act This was followed by last Wednesday’s crackdown and a disregard for the demands of those most affected by the crisis, namely pensioners and children.

Hey, Three in 10 children suffer from hunger and seven live in povertyIt is then necessary to respond by asking the National Congress to override the presidential veto, because Milley’s systemic attitude of contempt for all democratic institutions and undermining people’s free organizations must be stopped, because it leads to an increasingly authoritarian attitude in our government.

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Joint Stock Company: How did people react? The measures seem to be somewhat passive. What do you think?

I think there’s a lot of numbness and pain and suffering that is experienced every day in the community and in the workplace. As a people’s liberal organization, as an organization of workers striving to build a democracy more imbued with social justice, our responsibility is to channel these emotions and seek a Different ways out of a crisis.

They cannot possibly convince us that the only way out is this brutal policy of dispossession, plunder and surrender. We believe in sovereignty, social justice and a country that acts on the basis of the majority of the population To revitalize the economy and promote science, technology, and national independence, Congress cannot delegate functions to the executive branch.

The sum of public power is A notorious act of betrayal to the countryCongress must therefore reject this veto as an affront to its operations, just like Decree 70/23, which remains to be discussed and rejected by the House of Representatives.

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Elizabeth Pointer: You mentioned the veto on retirement mobility, but the situation is also complicated for workers, especially state workers. Today the Government announced its intention to freeze state wages for the final two months of the year, following increases of 2% in September and 1% in October. What was done about it?

In fact, as Stutzinger said, the government takes all measures to allow a very small number of businessmen (mostly multinational businessmen) to continue to line their pockets. Shift resources from those who have the least to those who have the most.

The purpose of the country’s adjustment is to benefit a few people and harm the majority. Faced with this situation, the decision of our ATE union and our Central Self-Employed Workers is to create conditions Unify the struggle and build new forces. This mobilization was called together with internal currents in other trade union centers and other centres, and what we are looking for is part of the ongoing program of struggle and part of the million-signature campaign to repeal and repeal the Emergency Decree and the Emergency 70 /23, Millais is ruling and destroying the country.

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EP: Is a new general strike coming?

The horizon is a multiplication of struggle, It is clear that new, stronger measures must be put in place and strikes are certainly part of this view. We must continue to work hard to ensure that no one is left unscathed during this critical moment.

EP: Several leaders of the CGT, such as Abel Furlán yesterday in Modo Fontevecchia, raised the possibility of a strike, as Pablo Moyano also said publicly That way. However, most parts of the Azzopardo plant leadership are not currently proposing the same plan and say there is no atmosphere for a strike.

There are complexities in some cases. You’re commenting on the country’s miserable 1% growth, okay? The document was signed by the Deputy Secretary General of CGT, it’s a shame.

We believe that unity is built by those who are willing to put a stop to such authoritarian policies of the government, that is why there are two trade union currents, the Federal Current and the Trade Union Front, the first of which is formed by Sergio Palazzo and the second Pablo Moyanowe join the CTA of workers and social movements in calling for this September 12.

Together with them, we will continue to new general strike, Although some still hold an attitude of complicity with power.

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Joint Stock Company: Some time ago we analyzed the costs of presidential travel. In this framework, cases such as that of Guillermo Arancibia, the second-in-command at ANSES, are well known. Arancibia’s face appears on the wallpaper of the National Social Security Entity because he used ANSES funds to pay personal expenses. Is there double talk within the government?

This is a corrupt government because everything it does, everything it clearly claims to do, is to Enrich a group of friendly enterprisesthat’s what happened.

The president of the country does not know the country well, but he spends millions of pesos on personal trips that are not even official state visits. They just said they didn’t have the money and they paid for it.

They said they did not have the money to give retirees a 17,000-peso raise, but they gave bonuses of 50,000 pesos to federal police and city police who cracked down on retirees last week. Clearly, state resources are being used to support privilege policy For those who take money out of the country, for those who suppress those of us who have less. they indicate very clearly lying government, Chaos and destruction of national reality.

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