Huge blow for a Frenchman from Milan

2023-11-02 18:00:12

AC Milan will have to do without one of its French players for many months.

Terrible news for Pierre Kalulu. Exited due to injury during the draw between Naples and AC Milan last Sunday in Serie A (2-2), the 23-year-old French defender will miss several months of competition, the Lombard club announced this Thursday via a press release.

“Recovery time is estimated at four months”

“AC Milan announces that Pierre Kalulu was operated on today for a complete rupture of the left rectus femoris tendon, can we read. The operation, which was a complete success, was carried out in Finland by Professor Lasse Lempainen in the presence of AC Milan medical director Stefano Mazzoni. Recovery time is estimated at four months. »

The former Lyonnais will therefore not be back on the field before the start of March.

#Huge #blow #Frenchman #Milan

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