Territorial representatives of the provinces of Huesca and lerida have agreed this Wednesday with the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda to address, in a prioritized and consensual way, the Necessary actions for the improvement of the N-230. This is an old claim by the territorial managers of that area, who denounced the dangerous nature of the road.
The Ministry has raised draw up a calendar with interventions and projects necessary, which will be presented in the coming weeks in a new meeting with the representatives of the territories through which these infrastructures run, as explained by the Huesca Provincial Council in a statement.
This has been agreed at a meeting in which the Secretary General of Infrastructures of the Ministry, Xavier Flores, and the presidents of the Provincial Councils of HuescaMiguel Grace, and Lerida, Joan Talarn, and the trustee of Arán, María Verges. Those responsible for the regions of Ribagorza and Alta Ribagorza, Marcel Iglesias and María José Erta, respectively, have also attended.
At the beginning of March, the territorial representatives had requested a meeting with the ministerial spokesperson to transfer the situation on the N-230 to him, as well as the need to act to structure the territory and increase road safety on the road.
For their part, the territorial representatives have appreciated the speed with which their request for a meeting to discuss this infrastructure has been met. In addition, they have valuedthe will expressed by the secretary general to attend to the territory and the coincidence in the rush to find solutions” for this road that supports “a significant amount of road traffic”.
The actions will depend on the section. A) Yes, the transformation into a highway is proposed in those areas where it is necessary, especially in the area further south, since more communication nodes with industrial estates and other roads are needed there. Towards the north, details the Provincial Council of Huesca, it might be enough with solutions technically called ‘2 plus 1’.