Internal resident doctors (MIR) who carry out their specialization in the province of Huelva have obtained four of the six scholarships awarded this year by the Andalusian Society of Family and Community Medicine (Samfyc) to support initiatives of future specialists in this discipline during their period formative.
As indicated by the Board in a press release, three of the award-winning professionals are supervised by the Family and Community Medicine Teaching Unit of the Huelva-Costa and Condado-Campiña Primary Care Health Districts and the fourth by the Management Area Sanitaria Norte, dependent on the Andalusian Health Service (SAS).
Samfyc has awarded the ‘Isabel Fernández’ scholarships for 26 editions, which are divided into two categories at the regional level: one aimed at rewarding the three best research projects presented in the current year by residents of the Family Medicine Teaching Units and Community of Andalusia, whose theme must be related to the knowledge, skills and abilities of the specialty and the field in which Family Medicine residents work.
On the other hand, a second in which another three grants are called for the completion of doctoral theses on topics also linked to the specialty and in any of the areas where it is developed.
Thus, in the research support category, the three scholarships, each endowed with 2,200 euros, have gone to the MIR of the Huelva province. The first of the works awarded by the Samfyc has been ‘Prevalence of gynecological pathology in a rural health center. Approach to this most frequent pathology in a consultation for women in primary care. Description of the degree of satisfaction obtained following the performance’, carried out by Anaís Linares Canalejo and Ana de la Cruz Castellano during their last year residency (R4) at the Valverde del Camino health center.
On the other hand, the second prize has recognized the project entitled ‘Intervention on sexual and reproductive health in migrant women in Moguer’, by Carmen Laura Cruz Molina, also a fourth-year resident at the Moguereño health center.
While the third of the distinctions went to Antonia Perejón Fernández, R4 also at the Bollullos Par del Condado health center, for the research ‘Descriptive study of medical conditions related to Ukrainian refugees housed in Huelva as a consequence of the Russia’s war once morest Ukraine’.
For its part, in the section on conducting doctoral theses, one of the three grants awarded by Samfyc in the whole of Andalusia has been for ‘Design of a telemedicine program for monitoring patients with chronic heart failure with ejection fraction of reduced left ventricle’, by Laura Acosta Urbano, a resident until May of this year at the Isla Chica health center, in the Huelva capital, is currently studying at the University of Huelva. The prize carries an endowment of 3,000 euros.
The resolution of the 2022 call and the delivery of certificates took place on November 11 at the closing ceremony of the V Andalusian Conference of Residents and Tutors of Family and Community Medicine of Samfyc, organized in Malaga.
The management of the Huelva Primary Care Health Districts and the North Health Management Area have conveyed their “congratulations” to the winners and shown their “pride that they have won most of the regional awards”, while also highlighted “the high level of Huelva residents and the crucial role that teaching units play in the entire process of specialization”.
The province of Huelva has two Family and Community Medicine Teaching Units, one within the radius of influence of the Primary Care Districts, which is multiprofessional, while it is also accredited for the training of postgraduates in the specialty of Family Nursing and Community, and another dependent on the Northern Health Management Area. They are in charge, in collaboration with the tutors of the centers, of coordinating and guiding the residents (EIR) during the entire period in which the specialization takes place.
More specifically, these units have the following main functions: to participate in the preparation of the training itinerary of the specialties that are trained in their field, integrating the transversal and common competences and ensuring the specific one for each of the programs of each specialty; control all the training activities of the residents under their charge, and contribute to the promotion of new teaching methodologies.