Huawei: Smartphones with satellite connectivity

The advantage lies in the possibility of providing connectivity in areas of difficult access, lacking mobile services, via satellite and through the Internet. satellite system Chinese who has been working for more than a decade.

Smartphones with satellite connectivity are beginning to be a reality. Huawei has just introduced its new smartphones, the Mate 50 and Mate 50 Pro, with satellite connectivity.

It is a smartphone equipped with the Chinese company’s own operating system, Harmony 3.0, with the ability to connect to the global satellite network of Chinacalled Beidou, to send short text messages at times when cellular connectivity is not available.

Equipped with the latest Qualcomm processor, the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1, although only with access to 4G networks, due to the restrictions imposed by the United States for Chinese companies to access this technology. It is the reason why the smartphone is not ready to connect to the redes 5G.

The advantage lies in the possibility of providing connectivity in areas of difficult access, lacking mobile services, via satellite and through the Internet. satellite system Chinese that has been working for more than a decade to become a place of relevance in the world market. It is a basic connectivity to send text messages and location data. Reason why the uses will pass through those who are located in areas that present these characteristics, and could have uses applied to productive systems, such as agribusiness, mining, energy, among others.

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