Huang Yun, the first generation TV personality and famous screenwriter of the Communist Party of China, passed away | “Shanghai Family” | TV series | Script

[The Epoch Times, January 10, 2023]Recently, the epidemic in China has been raging, and a large number of people have died. The first generation of TV people and famous screenwritersHuang Yunalso recently died, she wrote songs praisingCommunist Party membersofscript

Shanghai Metropolis Daily “Morning News” reported on January 8 that the famous screenwriterHuang YunHe died at Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital at 2:59 pm on the 6th at the age of 90.

Huang Yun joined the Communist Party of China at the age of 15. In the spring of 1953, he was transferred to the Shanghai Radio Station of the Communist Party of China. In 1958, he participated in the preparation of the Shanghai Television Station of the Communist Party of China. She is also a national first-level screenwriter, an honorary member of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a former director of the Shanghai Writers Association, and an executive director of the Shanghai Television Artists Association. Since 1991, she has enjoyed the outstanding contribution allowance of the State Council of the Communist Party of China.

According to an exclusive interview with Huang Yun in the fifth issue of “Shanghai Caifeng Monthly” in 2010, during his work at Shanghai Radio Station, Huang Yun went to border villages many times to engage in campaigns, such as promoting the “Sixteen Articles of Rural Work” of the Communist Party of China, social education campaigns, and participation in educated youth condolence group etc.

She once wrote “The Red Flower That Never Fades” and “Are You a Communist?” “”Family Affair””Homeland””One Year of Marriage”“Shanghai Family”Works such as “Before and After Divorce” have won many awardsTV seriesFeitian Award, TV Golden Eagle Award, National ExcellentscriptCreation Award etc.

Among them, “The Red Flower That Never Fades” and “Are You a Communist?” ” is the praiseCommunist Party membersThe script of “Homeland” also touted the CCP members.

Editor in charge: Xiao Lusheng #



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