Huang Jianxiang: Chinese football should be grateful and accepted for the criticism and attention from the outside world_Olympics_Questions_Prerequisites

Original title: Huang Jianxiang: Chinese football should be grateful and accepted for the criticism and attention from the outside world

Recently, Feng Xiaoting, the former captain of the national football team, and the famous skit actor made a lot of attention. Afterwards, players represented by Yang Xu and Wang Xiaolong and actor Li Jiahang made their voices heard, making the topic of Chinese football once again pushed to the forefront. On March 20, the famous commentator Huang Jianxiang released a video on his personal social platform to discuss some thoughts about Chinese football with the audience.

Huang Jianxiang said: “Recently, the criticism and discussion around Chinese football have produced cross-border intersections, which are very lively. First of all, for the criticism from the outside world and the attention of the whole society, I think Chinese football should be grateful and accepted, because why? , everyone is still criticizing and still discussing, it shows that you are still paying attention, still supporting, and still looking forward to your Chinese football getting better. If one day, no matter who Chinese football loses to, no matter what Chinese football loses It’s quiet, everyone doesn’t care, and they stop talking, then Chinese football is completely cool.”

“Under this major premise, why did I not speak too much? Because, after investing in Chinese football for decades, I have said what I should vent and say, how many times I have said it. It’s useless, we said it doesn’t count, it’s a humble person.”

Then Huang Jianxiang gave the outside world a way of thinking about Chinese football. How to think about how Chinese football has come to this stage? Huang Jianxiang said: “Let’s solve two problems first. In fact, many people subconsciously have two prerequisites when scolding Chinese football. First: We are very good at other sports. We have so many gold medals in the Olympic Games. There are so many gold medals in the Winter Olympics, why can’t we just do football? But we must seriously think about how those gold medals in the Olympic Games came from, where are our advantages, then these advantages, we won the Olympic gold medals, these games Law, this method, is it ok to engage in football? There is no derogation for the efforts of athletes and coaches who won gold, silver and glory for the country in the Olympic Games, but I have put forward one point of view. These are two different ways of playing. You can think about it. Now, study it.”

“The second question: Why does women’s football work, but men’s football doesn’t work? Good question, study it. Women’s football and men’s football face different international competition environments, and the international development environment is different. Study the difference. Similarly, Compared with ourselves, compared with the world runner-up in 1996 and 1999 and the Olympic runner-up, what is our current position in the world? Of course, there is no disrespect to our women’s football girls, front-line coaches and athletes. And demeaning, they are still our pride, men’s football should also learn from women’s indomitable fighting spirit, but, indeed, when people scold men’s football, there are two potential contrasting conditions in their hearts, which is why the Olympic Games Other projects, women’s football under the same conditions?”

Huang Jianxiang continued, “Think about the first two questions clearly, and then think about the third question, is it really difficult to let more children play football in China? Is it really difficult to play football in general? There is no excuse for football practitioners here, they do There are a lot of their problems and responsibilities, but like those achievements and honors we got in the Olympics, those belong to us, and Chinese football is also ours.”

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