Hualien earthquake occurred at 18:49 on the Richter scale of 4.9

Hualien earthquake occurred at 18:49. The epicenter was 82.6 kilometers east of Hualien County Government, in the waters east of Taiwan, with a depth of 25.9 kilometers and a scale of 4.9 on the Richter scale. The maximum earthquake intensity was 2 in Yilan County, and 1 in Hualien, Taitung and Taipei.

Hualien earthquake occurred at 18:49 on the Richter scale of 4.9

Responsible editor: Yu Weining

Remind you again of the three rules of evacuation when an earthquake strikes:

​1. Drop your head and body down.

2. Cover: Use your hands or objects to protect your head and neck as much as possible, and hide under a sturdy table or other furniture.

3. Hold on your knees, touch your elbows to the ground, and hold the table legs with both hands.

Extended reading5 strong earthquakes? 6 weak?Understand the seismic intensity classification

Extended readingHave you received a national level alert? How old does an earthquake have to be? Are there really national fringes?

Extended readingWhat foods should be prepared in the emergency shelter kit?Summary of earthquake package recommendation and fire department recommendation list

Extended readingThe Fact Check Center Tells You 4 True Earthquake Preparedness Messages

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