HSE Mid-West Launches Winter Vaccination Programme for Flu and COVID-19

The HSE Mid-West has officially launched its comprehensive Winter Vaccination Programme, providing free flu and COVID-19 vaccines to specific at-risk populations, aimed at bolstering community health this winter season.

The vaccines are strongly recommended for individuals aged 60 and above, frontline healthcare workers, pregnant women, and those with underlying long-term health conditions, ensuring that vulnerable groups receive the protection they need during the influenza and COVID-19 season.

Both the flu and COVID-19 vaccines are readily accessible through participating GPs and local pharmacies, and can be administered simultaneously to enhance convenience for those getting vaccinated. Additionally, dedicated vaccination clinics for healthcare professionals will be available at various workplaces nationwide to facilitate access.

HSE vaccination teams are set to reach out to individuals residing in residential care facilities, including nursing homes, as well as to housebound patients who require vaccination assistance.

In recent weeks, Public Health HSE Mid-West has dealt with several acute respiratory outbreaks, including a significant influenza incident in a long-term care facility, which affected more than 15 individuals, highlighting the urgent need for vaccination this winter.

Dr. Mai Mannix, the Area Director of Public Health at HSE Mid-West, emphasized the necessity of vaccination, stating, “We have observed early indicators of rising respiratory illnesses within our communities and healthcare facilities as flu and COVID-19 cases increase. Last winter, over 4,000 people were hospitalized due to influenza and more than 7,000 due to COVID-19. Vaccination for our healthcare workers and vulnerable populations is crucial to prevent overwhelming our healthcare system this winter.”

Dr. Mannix further urged, “Immunity diminishes over time, making it vital to get vaccinated this winter. All eligible individuals must take advantage of the free flu and COVID-19 booster vaccines now to ensure their protection. It is safe and advisable to receive both vaccines simultaneously through our partnered GP practices and pharmacies.”

Dr. Catherine Peters, Regional Clinical Director at HSE Mid-West, reinforced this call to action, stating, “I urge everyone under the eligibility criteria to get vaccinated against flu and COVID-19 to safeguard themselves and their families in the upcoming months. This year, we have expanded the availability of the flu vaccine, making it accessible for free to all those aged 60 and older.”

The nasal flu vaccine, recommended for children aged 2-17 years, will be available from next week, contributing to wider protection among younger populations.

Regional Executive Officer Sandra Broderick is actively encouraging healthcare workers to participate in the free vaccination initiative through staff clinics, their GPs, or local pharmacies, underlining the necessity of vaccination for frontline staff to manage potential outbreaks effectively.

She remarked, “I welcome the positive response to the winter vaccination program amongst our HSE Mid-West staff. As we brace for busy periods this winter, we must effectively manage respiratory infections like flu and COVID-19 across our health services. Our winter vaccination initiative offers vital protection for healthcare workers, patients, and the community, and is a simple act of solidarity that safeguards everyone.”

For detailed information on vaccine recommendations tailored to individual needs, visit hse.ie, contact HSELive at 1800 700 700, or consult a participating GP or pharmacist.










Hey folks! Let’s dive into the latest news on the HSE Mid-West Winter Vaccination Programme, shall we? Because what better way to enjoy the chill of winter than being jabbed multiple times, right?

First up, the big news: free flu and COVID-19 vaccines are rolling out for those who need them most – you know, the usual suspects. If you’re over 60, pregnant, or have a long-term health condition, you’re invited to this jolly old party. And don’t worry; our kind-hearted GPs and pharmacies are here to help you… with needles! Cue the laughter.

Now, here’s a fun fact for you: you can get both of these vaccines at the same time. That’s right! Who knew getting poked could be a two-for-one special? Seriously, just think of it as a buffet of jabby goodness. You can walk in, roll up your sleeves, and say, “Bring it on, doc! I can take it!”

Dr. Mai Mannix, the Area Director of Public Health in the Mid-West (let’s call her the Flu-Front), has said that we’re seeing early signs of this season’s respiratory illnesses. And last winter? Oh, it was a proper hospitalisation extravaganza! Over 4,000 were hospitalised for flu and more than 7,000 for COVID-19. Makes you wish you had a season pass on those flu shots, doesn’t it?

Dr. Mannix also reminded us that our immunity drops over time. So, folks, if you’re the type who forgot to drink water over the summer, now’s the time to ‘top it up’ and get protected. And while you’re at it, why not get vaccinated for both flu and COVID-19? Honestly, it feels like a good ol’ fashioned winter sale, slap a “buy one, get one free” sticker on it, and we’re good to go!

Regional Clinical Director Dr. Catherine Peters is on the scene, urging everyone eligible to make the most of this free offer. They’re even rolling out the nasal flu vaccine for kids aged 2-17! I mean, who knew vaccines could come with different flavours? I half expect ice cream trucks to start rolling through our neighbourhoods with “Flu Shot Sundaes”!

But hang on! If you had COVID-19 recently, you’ve got to wait at least three months before diving into the COVID vaccine pool again. Think of it as a time-out for your immune system. And don’t dawdle on your flu vaccine; get that done stat! It’s like trying to dodge the mistletoe at a Christmas party: you might just end up with someone’s holiday germs otherwise.

Regional Executive Officer Sandra Broderick has joined the fun, especially keen on encouraging healthcare workers to take advantage of these free vaccines. She sounds like the type who’d organize a viral (pun intended) vaccination party at work. “Come one, come all! Just don’t forget your masks, and leave your fears at the door!”

So, if you want to see what vaccines are recommended for you — and let’s be honest, who doesn’t — check out hse.ie or call HSELive. It’s like ordering takeout for your immune system. Except this time, networking with your GP and pharmacist can save you from ugly respiratory fashion disasters.

In conclusion, winter is coming, folks, and so are those pesky viruses. So roll up your sleeves, get your shots, and let’s make it through this season, one jab at a time! Cheers to staying healthy—you’ve got this, and remember: it’s all about the solidarity, or as I like to call it, snuggle immunity!

**Interview with Dr. Mai Mannix, Area ‌Director of Public Health at HSE‍ Mid-West**

**Q: Dr. Mannix,‌ can ‍you tell us about the⁤ Winter Vaccination Programme and its importance this year?**

**Dr. Mannix:** Absolutely! The⁤ Winter Vaccination ⁣Programme is crucial for protecting vulnerable populations, particularly as we face potential respiratory illness spikes. This year, we’re focusing on at-risk groups, including individuals over 60, frontline healthcare ⁣workers, pregnant women, and those with chronic health conditions. We’ve seen early indications of rising flu ⁣and COVID-19 cases, so vaccination ‌could prevent further ‌strain on⁤ our healthcare system.

**Q: You mentioned that both the flu and COVID-19 vaccines are available at the same time. Why is⁤ that ‌beneficial?**

**Dr. Mannix:** It’s about convenience! By allowing patients to receive both vaccines simultaneously, we can enhance access and encourage more people to get vaccinated. It reduces the number of appointments ‍and makes it simpler for busy individuals to take the necessary steps‍ for their health.

**Q: Last winter saw significant hospitalization rates due to flu and⁤ COVID-19. What lessons have you taken from that experience?**

**Dr. Mannix:** Last winter highlighted the critical role ⁣of vaccination in protecting both individuals and the general community. Over 4,000 people were hospitalized due to influenza, and more than 7,000 due to COVID-19.‌ Our⁢ primary goal is to prevent ‍overwhelming our healthcare facilities, and vaccination is a powerful tool to ⁢achieve that.

**Q: Is there​ anything else you would like to emphasize regarding the importance of vaccination this winter?**

**Dr. Mannix:** Yes! It’s crucial for eligible individuals ​to take advantage of these free vaccines. Immunity decreases over time, and with ‌the added risk of respiratory illnesses, getting vaccinated now is imperative. It’s not just about personal​ health; it’s about⁣ keeping our families and communities safe, so I strongly encourage everyone to get their ⁢vaccines as soon‍ as possible.

**Q: Thank you,‍ Dr. Mannix. ⁢How‌ can people find out where to get vaccinated?**

**Dr. Mannix:** Individuals can visit ‍the HSE ⁣website or contact HSELive at 1800 700 700 for information on participating ​GPs and⁤ pharmacies. ⁢It’s vital to reach out to these providers to book ‌your appointment. Together, we⁤ can safeguard our health ⁤this winter! Thank you for your time.
**Winter Vaccination Programme Interview with Dr. Mai Mannix, Area Director of Public Health at HSE Mid-West**

**Q: Dr. Mannix, can you tell us about the Winter Vaccination Programme and its importance this year?**

**Dr. Mannix:** Absolutely! The Winter Vaccination Programme is crucial for protecting vulnerable populations, particularly as we face potential spikes in respiratory illnesses. This year, we’re focusing on at-risk groups, including individuals over 60, frontline healthcare workers, pregnant women, and those with chronic health conditions. We’ve seen early indications of rising flu and COVID-19 cases, so vaccination is vital to prevent further strain on our healthcare system.

**Q: What are some of the specific recommendations for those eligible for the vaccines?**

**Dr. Mannix:** We strongly recommend that all eligible individuals take advantage of the free flu and COVID-19 vaccines now. Immunity decreases over time, so even if you were vaccinated last year, it’s important to get your boosters this winter. For those who are eligible, both vaccines can be administered simultaneously, which maximizes convenience and encourages more people to get vaccinated.

**Q: Can you elaborate on how accessible these vaccines are for the community?**

**Dr. Mannix:** Absolutely! Both vaccines are available through participating GPs and local pharmacies, making access easier for everyone. We’ve also set up dedicated vaccination clinics specifically for healthcare professionals in their workplaces, and our teams are actively reaching out to those in residential care facilities, including nursing homes, and housebound patients who need assistance with vaccination.

**Q: You mentioned earlier that there has been an increase in respiratory illnesses. How does this impact the need for the vaccination programme?**

**Dr. Mannix:** Yes, we have recently dealt with several acute respiratory outbreaks, including a significant incident in a long-term care facility. This situation underscores the urgent need for vaccination this winter, especially since last year we witnessed over 4,000 hospitalizations due to influenza and more than 7,000 due to COVID-19. By vaccinating vulnerable populations, we can help prevent overwhelming our healthcare system.

**Q: Lastly, what message do you want to convey to the public regarding this vaccination initiative?**

**Dr. Mannix:** I want to emphasize the importance of solidarity in healthcare. Getting vaccinated is not just about protecting yourself; it’s also about protecting your family, friends, and community. If you are eligible, please schedule your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations as soon as possible. Together, we can make a significant difference in managing health this winter season. Thank you!

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