HSE Governors: This is the final list of the top 3 by Region – All names – 2024-07-17 19:46:43

Peloponnese Newsroom

ASEP announced the final list of the names of the top three for HSE Governors for the seven regions of the country. After the written competition conducted by the institution, three candidates for HSE Governors per health district emerged who wrote better in the exams and were awarded more points.

Most of the candidates who are on the final list are already executives of the health districts and hope to continue their career in the National Health System.

The list of the top three per health district will be sent to the Minister of Health Adonis Georgiadis in order to choose a person.

A corresponding list of two names per health district is expected to be announced in the coming days for the deputy governors of the Ministry of Health, following they also passed the same process with written exams and scoring.

The table in question is sent to the supervising Minister and posted on the A.S.E.P. website. and the supervising Ministry.

It is also announced that the process continues with the interviews of candidates for the positions of Deputy Commanders.

See below the tables published by ASEP with the final three

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Health

Source: healthreport.gr

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